Sunday, October 31, 2010

#23 - My Childhood Memory

I'm Back (Continued)

Yeah. I'm back to post again (: Do continue to come by blog okay? :D thanks.

Day 03 ( 25th October 2010 )

 Osaka Castle! Too bad, we didn't get to enter the castle. What a pity. It's so beautiful. I wonder how the inside of the castle look like.

 Kaiyukan Aquarium! This is a very special aquarium. It is like so much bigger than Singapore's underwater world. It has like 8 floors and you start walking from the 8th all the way down to the first floor. There wasn't really enough time to appreciate all the marine animals. Jasmine, Delson, Clarissa, Ying Cui, Charlene & I were like running about quickly after snapping one animal. 

 A minute and cute otter. I'm sure all of you are going gaga over this picture now.

 Yipee. The penguins. So cute right? The keeper is feeding them.

 Baby penguins getting ready for the tourists to snap a shot of them. They posed for like 5-10 minutes. Future edgy models!

 This large I-don't-know-what-you-call-that was also found in the aquarium!


 Gigantic turtle! @-@

 Super long legs! This crab looks yummy.

 A whale shark. Interesting right? Cross breed I guess. There's like only 2 of them.

 Souvenirs of Nemo ( clownfish ). Nah, I didn't buy them. I bought a baby whale plush toy instead. Will reveal them on my last post of Japan.

 Lunch! Yummmmy. We had a lot of time to eat. Next we went shopping for 1hr? Yeah, think so. But, Kenny, Andrew, Rizuan, Weikang & I were doing something else to irritate someone. HAHAHAHAHAH!

 A machine that lights up after you pump energy to it. It's found in the Maishima Incineration Plant. We went there for a tour after lunch.

 The claw used to extract rubbish.

 The outside of the Maishima Incineration Plant.

After that, we went for a Panasonic Eco tour at the Panasonic Center. They don't allow us to take photos, if not, I'm gonna show y'all the wonderful technologies in future. There's actually a mirror like wall, called the digital information Mirror. You can just use it during leisure time to do yoga, play games etc. It has a sensor, so you do not need a remote control, and it's damn convenient. Hope I can use it next time. By the way, there's more like the 3D Tv, Movable Tv etc. Anyone interested can find me (:

 Dinner for the day. Traditional Japanese food. It consists of sashimi too! The sashimi actually has a piece of cotton placed above it to prevent moisture from escaping. Somebody very act smart. Keep claiming that it was rice paper despite being warned by others that it is cotton. He wrapped some rice and the tuna and dipped it in light soya sauce before devouring the "sushi". After that, it became the joke of the trip, not day. In the airplane, we were like, eh ______, don't eat up Clarissa's clothes! then another one by Kenny. _____, why you still wearing clothes? All made of cotton, you never eat?

 The traditional Japanese costume: Yukata. We are supposed to give the serious look for the first few shots.

 Fun SHOT!

Alright, that's all for today. Photos Credit: Mr Jeremy Yong & Myself (:!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

#22 - Things Getting Colder

I'm Back! (Continued)(Edited)

Day 02. ( 24th October 2010 )

 Breakfast! There's rice, sausage, egg, breaded fillet, fish, wedges, salad with ham, Kimchi (Y), broccoli, corn, lettuce, corn soup & iced grapefruit juice!

 The hotel that I'm staying for day 1 & 2.

 Nara Park. This park is filled with deers, around 1,200 of them. They are said to be the messengers of God and they would actually bow for food if you ask them to do so.

 This poor doe had a blind left eye. That's why it is white.

 Deers can sometimes get naughty and cheeky too!

One of them even bit off I think Andrew's bag's transinex tag and swallowed it. (Photo taken by Mr Jeremy Yong)

 A baby deer that was hiding behind a gate. It was so scared of the tourists that it was crying very softly.

 Another baby deer, feasting with its family. The doe is not in the picture.

 The male deer. They kind of stink more than the doe(s).

 Its poopy! ):

Jasmine with a doe.

 A stone with words outside the To-daiji temple.

A path which leads to some where . . . ..  .
 The outside of the path to the To-daiji temple.

 Guardians of the Temple. The first one has an opened mouth, which symbolizes life. The second one has a close mouth, which symbolizes death. Both look scary & are said to have these expressions on their face to scare away people or spirits that try to harm the temple.

 It is mainly made up of wood.

 The little lake outside the temple.

 To-daiji Temple!

 The freshwater for washing & drinking. 

 Cameras & phototaking are allowed but not tripods. o-o

 The Buddha Statue. It's standing at 15m, with a palm size of 1.8m! This temple is around 2 times smaller than original size because it was once burnt down. The Japanese then rebuilt it with the limited resources and upplies of wood. However, it still look super gigantic to me! More photos can be found on facebook. (Mr Jeremy Yong / Kc / Jasmine) :D

 Next, we headed to the Horyuji Temple.

 Yay! It's lunchtime, but there's no free flow of rice ):

 Asuka National Park. Inside the Ishibutai. So chio and cool.

The wonderful teachers shooting with the flowers!

 The outside views of the ishibutai! Ishibutai actually refers to stone stage.

 Next, the Akame Falls! Damn chio cannnnnn, I know it looks fake, yet real. I simply love the fresh air at the mountain top, along with to chilling breeze. On the way, I also got a Japanese name from Naomi. It is Go, which means strong (: There were also many sexy meanders on the way ( Not referring to Mrs Ram :P)!

 A type of Salamander? So creepy.

 Group shot. Hmmmmm? Where did Teck Wee disappeared to? The toilet? HAHAHAHA!

Shabu Shabu for Dinner (: It's not steamboat okay. We spam a lot of hotdogs into the boiling water as the hotdogs in Japan is freaking nice. (:

That's all for today. Shall post tomorrow!