Friday, January 27, 2012

#95 - Happy Chinese New Year

A Belated Happy Chinese New Year everyone ^^!

Today is currently  初六, the sixth day of Chinese New Year. 

I wonder if everyone enjoyed, or is enjoying their Chinese New Year. So, did you enjoy yourself well? I'm expecting a no, to be honest. Haha, as you know, the atmosphere gets less hyped up as the years go by. Nevertheless, this is a once in a year thing, so please spend your time wisely!
 Give yourself a good rest for Chinese New Year, eat well and play well too! Please also remember to take care of your health too! 
Although there are many delicious food, but you'll have to eat them in moderation. Don't take too much heaty food, or else you'll suffer the consequences. Hmm, okay a little too harsh, maybe like, or else your health will be put in risk? Okay whatever, I'm bad with words. Just remember to take care of your health! If not, you'll be like me, having a sore throat, headaches and poor digestive systems as a result of over-eating.
Yeah, remember to drink up to, I mean water. Take less sweet drinks or even carbonated drinks. I'm sure you don't want to be a victim of diabetes in your early teens!

So, how did I spend my Chinese New Year? 
Wait, or should I say how did I spend my Chinese New Year 's Eve first. 
Actually, there's nothing much to talk about for Chinese  New Year's Eve, except that I went to Jurong Point once again, for last minute shopping, to get my shoes!
Yes, I don't know why but I'm loving my shoes so much for this year, cause it's the type that I like. High-cut shoes. ^^
Finally got myself a pair of it. 
To be honest, I was actually yearning for a pair of Dr. Martens or Red Wings. Well, as you know, there's a budget for everything. If I get Dr. Martens, I'll have $1 left to spend, to stay within my Budget. Not even considering Red wings, since it cost $433. Seriously, why does all the shoes that I prefer looks nice, yet cost ugly? 

Yeah, and for those who are still wondering what I'm talking about, the shoes look something like these (:

Dr. Martens, awesome isn't it?

This is another collection of Dr.Martens, it's so nice once again!

And this, I'm loving it like mad. Who doesn't go crazy over Red Wings? This is the colour that I want!
I don't know why I suddenly like brown, but recently, I have a fascination over brown coloured stuff! Even my Chinese New Year clothes both contain brown, and my bermudas too! 

Oh, by the way, these are my two CNY shirts!

This is what I wore on the First Day!

And this, for the Second Day!

I know it's dull, but who cares. I just love wearing clothes of these colours!

Yeah, that's all for my CNY, not going to talk much about it. Every year is pretty much the same, since it's just going over to maternal side, and then back to paternal side to receive red packets! Happy as usual, money just enters your pockets like water~
This year is really a good year for me to gamble, and I won $20! Second time gambling for Blackjack and luck shone on me ^^
This year's CNY was rather an alcoholic one too!
We opened four bottles of five bottles of wine I think. 1 bottle of sake and 4 bottles of red wine! I think it was awesome, and I took 1 glass of sake and 3 glasses of red wine! First time in my life I drank so much, but I wasn't drunk at all! I wonder how much tolerance my body has, over alcohol. I hope it's as good as my fifth aunt, she's really a good drinker! She took a full glass for her first glass, can you imagine that.

For a female o-o (I'm not doubting the abilities of females, but seriously, females don't really take that much on their first glass, do they? No offense!)

Yeah, and by the way.... (Spoiler alert!)
the results for posting will be out this coming Monday!

I'm so looking forward to it!
I don't want school to start soon, I haven't had enough, and I've forgotten everything that I've learn. I really hope that they will give us some more time to rest, and have orientation starting on 6 February instead! 

Okay, shall stop here! (:

(Kind of abrupt though)


Saturday, January 21, 2012

#94 -A Life Full of Colours

Red, the colour of a pair of lips which smiles at you.
Orange, the best that the sun can give you during sunsets.
Yellow, the cheerful colour on a rubber duckie.
Green, the summary of nature
Blue, the waves that crash onto the shore, bringing you the best piece of music.
Violet, with an ultra & a ray, it turns harmful.
And Indigo, if you were to ever see it, make a wish. 

Yes, if you are still trying to figure out what I'm talking about, actually, those are the colours of a rainbow. It's been a while since I've seen a rainbow. Just how rare it is for everyone, to see a double rainbow. Yet for me, it's not really a rare phenomenon. I've seen it many times, since young. I guess what's more rare, is me updating every single day. 

(Credits given to my sister for snapping the rainbow for me to see.)

When I was younger, I was told that if you're able to see all seven colours of a rainbow distinctively, then quickly make a wish. Though it may sound ridiculous, but it's worth giving a try. I wished for many things at a go, hoping that they will be answered. Whatever it is, there's still a sign of hope. Although I don't really like or go crazy over rainbows, but after all, it gives you a feeling whereby after a storm, there is always sunshine.

Life's a torture, but a blessing too, just like the appearance of a rainbow. Okay I don't know what I'm saying here. Anyway, Chinese New Year is just around the corner. Feelings? Hyped up not enough. The feel of Chinese New Year just disappears gradually. I'm not looking forward to it anyway, since everyone will probably be asking the same questions, about results and what-so-everrrrrr. Annoying much. Whatever it is,  I'm going dull for this new year. With a Navy-brown long sleeve, for the first day. Criticise all you want, but my mum loves them (: And me too! All these just makes me think less about the horrible experience at Pull&Bear outlet. Seriously, what's wrong with teenagers these days? Gay or what? Stop trying to enter people's changing room, and peek at them. Feel so pissed off being a victim, and I hope someone will organize a party or something to go against this group of perverted lesbians & gays. Totally, no offense to anyone out there, but I just detest it when these kind of people make me a victim.

If you want to know the full story, simply read my tweets, I've a whole chunk of them on these idiots. Shall not waste any more time on this sickening issue. >:(

Today is the 21st day of 2012. And I have not said that word at all, good luck to me. (:

Bye peeps!

Monday, January 16, 2012

#93 - A Day Well Spent

It has been two years. Yes, two years since we have known each other.
Friendship, something that keeps us well connected. 
Indeed, I really appreciate this day, and I look forward to another such day. Perhaps, yes perhaps, we may meet again. I do wish so, because there will be a huge void in my mind, without you guys.

Well, had an awesome day, well spend with two of my closer friends, none other than Shireen & Yuhui. Two years of friendship between the 3 of us, yet well maintained. I really thank the both of you for working together with me throughout my student council life in Middle School. Although we may have quarrelled at times, rarely though, but after all, it's the friendship that is deeply instilled in us, that made us forgive and forget. This day, 16 Jan, although it's sort of a first outing, but I'll definitely remember it. A day well spent indeed, at Seoul Garden.

All the fun and laughter today, much appreciated. We share so much in common, and see each other growing up into a better person, motivating each other along the way. Thank you for placing trust in me, and I'll never end this friendship, unless any of you choose to do so. I really appreciate whatever we have been through, even though times were tough, 86,400s we shared, it was really well spent. We've shown our capability, our ability to stand up for ourselves and not let others take advantage of. We've grown so much under the guidance of Miss Chua. Really, I treasure every piece of memory.

Today at Seoul Garden, was indeed my happiest day with the two of you. Eating so much and going crazy, spamming brownies with ice-cream, I'll definitely miss them once we go separate ways in the future. Really wish that we could continue to meet up, and finally have a hangout at decoders, where we got bonded more. 10 years down the road, I foresee that both of you will become successful women in the world. The trust placed in both of you, please keep it well. As the days go by, and we meet less, at least remember our faces and names well. Someday, we will definitely meet up even if we lose contact, because I believe that fate will always provide opportunity for us to meet up. If not, why are we such good friends now? So really, please stay in contact, and thank you for today! (:

Sunday, January 15, 2012

#92 - Happy Birthday, Grandma.

Back after a week, perhaps.
Gosh, I'm starting to update less and less, and in time to come, I may not even update. My Junior College life is gonna start infiltrating, and things will never be as easy as before. I really wish that time could stop right now, at this moment, when I'm enjoying my holidays. 15 days left to the release of my posting results. Even though there's a high chance I'll be posted to my desired school, but the thought of it actually scared me, a lot.

Bitter sweet I guess.
 To have finally accomplished a huge goal, yet you have to sacrifice. 
No friends, a new environment, different people with diverse backgrounds, everything starts again. 
The second, no, third time I feeling this way. 
What can I say? I'll try my best
. The mates in secondary school gonna be going their way, same ways, but different from mine. I'll be in a different school and I really hate the process of making new friends. You see, it's not easy to find someone who truly understands you and is willing to take up the same path as you. I guess my life is really unique, in the bad way.
 Why can't I be like others, or become a trainee at such a young age, and then form a band and perform instead? Life would be better since the band mates or group members are going to be with you for at least, the next 10 years. You may think that being with the same people for that long a period of time is sickening. To me, yes and no. Do you like risking your old friendship for new ones? Not for me, I still prefer my old friends. Making new friends is risky, because you'll never know if they will ever use you, or give you a good stab in your back while supporting you. That's called blind-sight backstabbing. By the time you realise, congrats, you've just found a new environment, heaven.

Whatever it is, I love half of my life. 

By the way, today's Granny's birthday (:

Happy 82nd Birthday Grandma!

I wish that you will stay happy and healthy, in view of the years ahead. (: Thank you for taking care of me for the past 16 years of my life. 

Long live (:

Bye, yeom.

Monday, January 9, 2012

#91 - Finally, Anxiety gone.

Yes, I'm finally back after not updating for some time!
All thanks to the build up of my anxiety in my heart, really, heart thumping and sleepless nights.
All i can say is thank god, no more of it for at least the rest of this month.

To those who prayed for me, and those who wished me well, I love you all and thank you so much. The amount of gratitude towards you guys can't even be described with words. If really there's something I need to say, it's really a Thank you.

4 years of pain and misery, 4 years of hard work. How has my results come to a conclusion? Well, I could say that you really reap what you sow. You will always deserve something at the end of the day, which earns you a good pat on your back. I've proven myself capable, so all of you out there, so should you. 'O' levels can be really a scary thing, but if you're willing to work hard, why not give it a try and challenge it well? No matter how badly you do or how well you do, it's an experience in your life that you will carry throughout your lifetime. What more do I want now? I'm really satisfied with my results, and I want no more. 

I'm really proud of my clique mates. The 15 of us, no matter how far we are going apart, separate ways it is, we'll always stay in contact. It's probably how we are related in that sense, that allowed us to do so well. I'm really proud of you guys. 
Not in any order,

All of us worked really hard and improved so many grades, or maintained! I'm glad we all scored <15 for L1R5, and that we are all eligible for Junior Colleges. Let's really meet up some time to catch up with one another.

Though my heart really goes for Anderson Junior College, but I really want to enter my desired school, National Junior College. Sorry that I'll have to be away from most of you, but after all, I believe that the friendship will still stay connected. I've really wanted to enter Njc, and I thank you all for guiding and helping me along the way. Although in the future, I may be alone fighting the war, but 'll always remember all of you, who once gave me strength and courage to move on. Especially those who motivated me to continue to study hard after 3 years of hard work, with just 1 year left. Spending time with you guys, I have no regrets. to know that all of you could enter good schools of your desire, I'm really please. May we all do well in the future, and I look forward to seeing you guys again. (:

Thanks (:

By the way, to those out there who didn't meet your expectations or didn't perform well, please do not give up. When there's a will, there's a way. I'm sure that you've put in your utmost effort and I want you guys to pick yourself up. Whatever the result is, you've to accept it. It's never the end of the world. You may think that I'm saying this because I met my expectations, but no. You should keep your heads high, because at least you've tried. At least you accepted the challenge and didn't back out from 'O' levels. You'll definitely do well in the future and you will realise that there's something more out there which you can do well and definitely will! I have faith in all of you! Keep your heads high, it's not how hard you are hit, but how hard you are hit and keep moving forward. All the best! My blessed wishings to you (:

And for those who wants to know how I've performed, scroll down!

Haha! Nope, I'm not going to tell! Sorry for the suspense, cause I don't think that I should really do that. As long as I'm proud of what I've achieved and my friends' achievements, I'm really glad. There's no need to brag more about it. Let's not be complacent and continue to work hard! Hard work is indeed my key to success, thanks all once again.

p/s, but if you are really desperate to know my scores, just text me or mention me on twitter, I'll message you!

Love you all (:

Monday, January 2, 2012

#90 - Free Products

Hey peeps! I'm back again after my resolution post! 
It's 6 days to the date of results' release. I'm having butterflies in my tummy all day long.
Really afraid. 

So why am I here so early today? You must been asking yourself why, because you know that I usually wakes up at 4pm. Yeah, I'm heading out to shop later. ^.^
That's why. 
Yeah, by the way, there's currently free product samples for you guys within a click away. Currently, the 

Therapeutic Dermatologic Formula 

is giving away free products for you, if you currently have oily or acne prone skin. I've redeemed mine and if you want it, it's simple!

This is what you'll have to do. Visit:
and click on the [Grab free Sample]. Then you'll have to fill up a form on you particulars. That's it!

That's all, bye!

#89 - A Brand New Year, A Brand New Me

Happy Belated New Year everyone! 


I haven't been updating for a couple of days once again. Yeah, so I'm back to wish everyone a Happy 2012. Though it might be deemed as a disastrous year with many unforeseen circumstances ahead, well, let's all live well, and play well! If the world really wants to end itself, we can't stop it. So we should treasure every set of 86,400 seconds that we have. 

It's time for new resolutions for 2012! Well, 2011's resolutions? I kind of have forgotten them already, but I think at least I was able to fulfil approximately 50% of it. Yeah, I guess so. Some of the distinct ones, which I guess I still remember, is to grow taller! That was a dream came true indeed. I've grown over 170cm right now, and I'm standing at around 174.7cm (I last measured in July 2011). Hmm, should I grow taller or have I grown taller? I'm not that sure too. I just want to stay at 175~180 cm. That's all I want ^.^

~Resolutions for 2012~ 

Alright, here we go!

1. First of all, it's a definite one! To maintain a good health for the rest of the year.
(I've been getting flu or bad coughs last year, and I seriously want all this horror from the past to stop haunting me.)

2. To increase my mass from 45.8kg to 58 kg. (Is that a lot? I think it'd be possible! I've always wanted to get rid my skinny appearance. I've been severely underweight for around like, 6 years? No more please!)

3. To grow to between 1.75m and 1.80m. I( don't want to be too tall. Standing at the desired height looks more proportionate when dressing.)

4. To start becoming more independent, and manage my finances well, by myself. Being less dependent on my parents for money means I've to save more ^.^

5. To continue to excel in my studies, first of all, to be able to remember everything I've learn in Secondary school. (Kind of returned all my knowledge back to my teachers after the exams)

6. To achieve good results for my 'O's definitely, although I'm not 100% confident if I'm able to do so. I want to have a raw score of <10, or rather, a raw single digit score. (Anything will be fine, as long as I'm able to enter my desired school, National Junior College) 

7. To change my 'Geeky' image. (I don't want to be the studious me any more. I want to be someone who have various talents, to impress and influence people. I'm someone who is afraid of being alone. With friends around, I'll never have to experience any light-less feelings, which is like walking home alone in the dark.)

8. To master or improve my Hangeul! (I've made a promise I'll learn well, but found out that I'm getting lazier and lazier each time. I really need to find some time and spend it well on learning this language. That's my chance to fulfil one of my dreams.) 

9. To be educated on any of these and to continue developing my passion for them. (Not in any order, Idol, Neurosurgeon, Dentist, Businessman.)

10. To be able to cover dances that I like, well. (I really want to perform some day. Yet, everything seems so close yet so far.)

11. Extend my vocal range and sing well with my diaphragm. (That's really hard, but it's worth giving a try!)

12. To attend K-pop concerts and get to have a handshake or chat with the idols that I adore.

13. To meet up with my awesome classmates 27'09/47'11!

14. To look better. (I've always disliked some of my facial features, which I don't know why. I think my eyes are small, and it's worse when you have small eyes that are not beautiful. I want to have a sharper nose with a higher nose bridge. My nose just seemed to be failing all the time.)
15. LASTLY! To manage my time well, so that I'll be able to carry out or fulfil all of those above!

So what's your resolutions? ^.^
