Friday, January 28, 2011

#45 - The Dark Days.

 Yes, the weather has been playing around these days. The bright & hot sun appeared from the back of the clouds and the rain poured. Epic weather isn't it? Well, I was hoping for a rainbow. 

And, I didn't see any.

I was on the way home alone, in the public bus. Managed to snap a shot of the scene outside. It's quite a nice scenery, yet thinking of the weather, it's actually a sign of Mummy Earth trying to control her mood swings.

  Heavier water droplets started to slide themselves down the window. A portrait of polka dots formed. I took a reflection of it on the latch.

Wonderful isn't it?

  On the way home, I thought about events that happened that day. What brings me joy is Chemistry. Practical lessons every Wednesday, sitting through the lessons in the chemistry lab - Fantastic. At the very least you don't have to stone in class.

Glitter-filled test tube? Nah, a test tube full of golden crystals which is actually Iodide crystals. It shines so brightly and tempts you to take a quick shot of it without the teacher knowing. I thought I was rather guilty after breaking the school rules. Then it appeared to me that everyone was doing it. (:
I questioned myself these days with regards to the numerous tests pouring in one after another. Am I able to bring the best out of myself in school and during the national examinations at the same time? I don't know. This put me into a trance these days and forgive me for that. 

I glanced at the future and decided that I'll get myself ready for the next test in the line. Alright, cheers (:

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

#44 - Chocolates

Yes, eight more days to Chinese New Year. 
I haven't get my New year clothes. I can't find time. Okay, maybe cause it's good in Hide-&-Seek. 
Everyone's like getting their clothes by this week & me? 
Earliest date that I'm free: 31st January.


Ferrero Rocher. Helped me to stay awake these days to study for test. Just wish that all my test can soon. They've peen pouring in since the start of last week. Yeah, it have been raining for days as well. It rained 5 times yesterday.

(Then the cold came, the dark days when fear crept into my mind.)

Our dearest Mummy Earth is sick ):

Alright, I'll be back for more updates soon! Yeah, along with CNY pictures as well.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

#43 - She Stole My SWAG!

(Mini Justin Bieber)

Yes, I love this picture. (Y)
I'm just bored and happen to came across this picture. Isn't it interesting? Heh.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

#42 - Wishing

Yay, one test down. Still got E-maths and Ss to go. 
So today is 13th January and I'm here to wish someone Happy Birthday. (:

Happy Birthday Shimin (:

Enjoy your day & Stay Happy (:

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

#41 - A Tower Over The Other

Yes, I'm freaking drowsy today, after taking the prescribed flu pills this morning.  I have no options, since therewasn't any Panadol cold relief pills.

Slept through maths class with my eyes open. Damn xiasuey today, banged against a wall on the way home. Luckily, there was only an old uncle around. Heh. I think I need to bring toothpicks tomorrow and be like Mr Bean, using toothpicks to prevent his eyes from closing.

Yeah, so today, we took height and MASS measurement. I'm officially free from being the shortest boy in 47. This year's class photo, I'm gonna stand somewhere in the middle (:

2010 height order: Me - Hakim - Daren - Andrew - Jorrick - Weikang - Kenneth - Norman - Daniel.
2011 height order: Hakim - Jorrick - Me - Weikang - Daren - Andrew - Kenneth - Norman - Daniel.

I know this is annoying, but I love it. I've also lost 550g in mass, like wth. I want to be heavier and yet, there I am, still as skinny. Heh.

Monday, January 10, 2011

#40 - A little Luck

  I've gotten back my 'O'level results.
Heh, I bet you're so desperate to find out. 
(be patient..)

Heh, for my Chinese only.
Got my desired results, and unexpectedly, I got an A which I thought I don't deserve one due to my carelessness.
Pure luck I guess.
Well, Mr. Cheang actually told us that there are two kinds of As you'll get. 
One, those who naturally are A* students will get an A. Two, simply getting it by luck.

Yes, I think I belong to group two. Heh. Well, there's confirm some ups and downs right at the hall. Grats to my senior, LIM EN YI (: 7 A1s. Madness. Well, kind of sad to see others tearing up as they didn't do that well. After all, no point crying over spilled milk. Let's pick yourselves up and move ahead. Let's study together and do our best (:

Saturday, January 8, 2011

#39 - Get your LV & Gucci

  Alright, I'm back to post after so long of MIA-ing. 
The first week of school started well and ended well I guess. No homeworks for me. Heh. :D

So, I'm here with a message to whoever is reading this.

So according to helpful resources from Nuffnang, someone have been stalking me. It's either the owner of the blog keeps posting about me, or someone keeps entering my blog via the owner's URL. 

So the URL is. 
Well, I seriously have no idea who you are. So if you're kind enough, please drop me a message at my facebook or email me.
I don't mind if you're scolding me in all of your posts, talking about me or stalking me. Cause you privated your blog. I seriously have no idea about anything. Thank you (:  

Okay, whatever. Back with what I'm suppose to blog about. Yes, so the CCA Open House went well (:
What a pity that Zhen Ming & Ziwei are absent, if not they'll have fun. So, the theme for this year was actually haunted house, but we couldn't use the idea since the Open House have limited access to other areas of the school. Well, we got stationed at the bookshop again. Okay, I don't think that's a good spot. However, it's not a bad place either. At least we aren't blocked by anything. (: Moreover, our nicely done Banner by our Secondary ones (thanks) can be seen from far.

This year's Open House was rather successful, since we've got like 22 people signing up. What's better is that there are certain students who are passionate to be part of UPonstage (:  

Heh, so I'm going to receive money from the government today (: SGD650, what am I going to do with it? 
I've decided to bank in the cheque again (: That's what I've been doing since young. Well, you need to start saving since young if you want to be independent and not depend on your parents for money, like a mummy or daddy's boy. Seriously, some people just doesn't save up since they think that their parents can take care of them. Well, I'll tell you hell no that your parents will take care of you till you die.

1 simple reason to save.

   You need money for your future retirement. Since you've started saving since young, you don't even need to work for a long period of time. I'm planning to retire at around 50. That's way earlier than the actual 62. 12 years less of working. Don't depend on your CPF cause it's like not enough to feed your whole family. Moreover, you can use the money that you saved, for investments and buying insurances since many of us will be not as healthy as before.

 You won't be depressed due to the lack of money (:

 Then, you get to enjoy life, at home (:

 With so much money, you can get all the things you longed for.

 Limited Edition watches.

 Travel around the world sitting in the first class cabin.

 Get your Louis Vuitton.

 Enjoy your Prada.

And finally, dress yourself up in Gucci.

Haha, that's what I'm planning. Well, another way is to do the opposite of what others are doing.
In times when people are buying apartments, you sell.
In times when people are selling apartments, you buy.
In times when stock prices are rising, you sell ASAP. (Don't be greedy)
In times when stock prices are falling, you sell ASAP. (Don't think to positively)
In times when people are buying and selling gold since they think they can make big money, you sit aside and laugh at them. (Seriously, if every one does that, the price of gold will fall and you will not earn in the end. So why bother?)

That's all (: Bye.

Monday, January 3, 2011

# 38 - Food For Thought

27'09 :D

Yay-ness, back from Bbq yesterday :D Had a hell lot of fun! Thanks to those who went for it. Once again, thanks to Pyuhuiz for organizing this Bbq as well as Chuxuan, Janice & Chiahsuan for helping to carry those 12 heavy bottles of drinks and equipment :D  Thanks to Zhungkiat's dad for driving us home (:

Yeah, my hand almost gave up on me after carrying so many things & thanks to the nice weather. Just a pity that some couldn't make it for the meeting.

 Wow, this is how the outing began.. Haha! Some people doing dirty work!

 (In the process of throwing Juven into the waters o-o)..

 Nearing the sea. Guess what?  Nothing happened. Heh. :D

 Group photo before they went to rent bikes and buy kite (:

 Starting fire? Nah, fire already started. This photo was uploaded with no intentions to show Alvan's armpit, the main purpose was to show some fire (:

 Bbqing.. Curry chicken wings (sponsored by Weikang's Mum) Thanks (Y)! Hotdogs, satays & Crabmeat!

 Group Bbq, Chuxuan trying to find a spot to bbq her hotdog! Hahaha! 

 Now with Stingray & Sotong! Nom nom nom..

 The super bohua kite that some of them kup-ed. SGD 12.90. You can get one @ Marina for SGD 5 lor! But, the kite quite nice actually, a stingray! And it was returned to the sea later at night.

 Well, in the end the string got tangled.

 Haha! Ran away with the Bacon that was bbq-ed and we ended up getting caught on camera!
 Trying to crack the empty bottle with sparkles.

 Result: Fail! Haha! But it's damn nice la.

 Emo shot failed!  Ended up smiling at the camera. Actually, we all tried to be emo, but just failed!

 Group photo! Look @ Alvan's face.

 This shot is as if we are stalked by paparazzi. Three cameras shooting at a time! Didn't know which camera to look at. I ended up looking at the middle one since it will look best if I do so! Haha, and I did it!

 Someone didn't want to get candid shot. But you know, you can't escape from photographers like me! Nice face, haha!

 Playing Murderer!

 On Zhungkiat's father's Lorry, on the way home. Super shiok!

 Some people just got too much hair on the head!
And the worst photo of the day...
(Loading in process)

Ta-da. :D Guess who it is? Haha!

Alright, bye (:

Saturday, January 1, 2011

#37 - Resolutions

Happy New Year Everyone (:

Yes, it's finally 2011. All the things in 2010 finally ended. Well, 2010 was rather a tiring year, with occasional hiccups here and there. Hope that 2011 will be better.

Yeah, gotta have some new year resolutions :D 

1. Get my desired grades for 'O' levels. DUH!
2. Get desired grades for School Examinations. 
3. Grow taller. :D Yeah, I'm no longer the shortest boy in the class okay. :D Next year there will be a change in the photo-taking arrangements. That's what I'm waiting for. (Y)
4. Have a class outing with 47'11. Seriously, I don't get why it's hard for even 10 people to attend an outing when there's like 41 people & I seriously don't like spoilers.
5. Have a chalet with 27'09 after 'O' levels :D
6. Get distinction for Mother Tongue 'O' levels. Gosh, almost forgot about this. Prays hard it's a one.
7. UPonSTAGE to get an award for SYF & have a proper and permanent CCA room.
8. To get Edusave scholarship once again. HEHE:D I'm greedy!

  Yeah, that's all. Hope that all my friends out there as well as my family, relatives, to stay happy and healthy (:
Looking forward to the BBq tomorrow.  Cheers, 2011.