Thursday, February 16, 2012

#98 - Don't Mess With Me

I'm back, at this weird timing.
 Yeah, it's currently 1am and  I have school tomorrow. Shall do a short post, and then a follow up after this, part 2!

Haven't everyone hear this before?
In life, you must feel fortunate enough that you have certain things but not others. 
You need to stop being jealous of others having something which you don't have.
Just because someone else is surrounded by a pool of friends, that doesn't give you the authority to criticise the person. 
Well, jealousy, I think you're defeated by it.

Things started out small, and yet you complicate things. Even the smallest things like requests can create so much trouble. You're a guy, you should learn to be less sensitive about things. 

[I know you read my blog (: Thanks for increasing my hits.]

Okay, back to topic. Whatever it is, I seriously have no idea what you are trying to do. 

First, you sent me requests. I apologise, I'm really sorry, since I have more than 15 facebook requests that I've yet to accept. 
Yes, you must be wondering why. Apparently, I only accept people at times, and although I may or may not know the person, I'll still try my best to get connected. I'm very sorry that I didn't accept it, but it was without any bad intention. 
 Everything was fine, till this very fateful day, you started to send me requests like nobody's business, sending and cancelling many times, almost amounting to infinity. I couldn't really remember how many times it was, just too many. Then you sent me a super long message to explain about some things which I'm unaware of. 

Firstly, I did not shun you. 
I'm just trying to adapt to the new environment in Njc, when I don't talk to you, it doesn't mean I'm shunning you. It's more of like you need someone to talk to in school, yet I seem to not be doing that. Fine, I need to find people who I'm comfortable to talk to right?

Secondly, you did not make me angry. I don't know what's wrong with this whole theory about you being afraid to speak to me because you thought I was angry at you. O-o? Angry, for what?
I'm just trying to mix around with people of different backgrounds, and that's why I have less chance to speak to you. Yeah, and when you're closer to somebody else, I'm sure you'll spend more time talking to the closer person right :/ When I don't talk to someone, it doesn't mean I'm angry with that person. 

Thirdly, you went on to talk about being a guy, you know you shouldn't be so long winded. Yes, you are a guy. This message was super long winded, and I don't feel comfortable receiving it since it's from someone I don't really know, and of the same gender as me. I mean like, only girls do that, so why bother when I didn't accept the request? If you truly want to know me, then talk to me, not waiting for me to initiate a topic. I'm a taurus and I don't like starting a conversation, that's it, I'm ignorant. FYI.

Fourthly, you said I seemed to be accepting requests of people in my OG who I don't even talk to. 
Hey, let's make this clear. I accepted every request from my OG on the day when majority sent me a request. It just so happened that I did not to accept your request. People whom I don't know well, really? How well do you know me? I've talked to most of them.
They are currently my closer, FRIENDS. So you don't have the right to be judgemental, assuming that I'm someone who chooses friends. I mean I do, but in general sense, I don't. Get this straight.

Then you went on to say about your sincerity in being my friend, etcetera etcetera. Please, facebook is just a social networking portal where people make friends with either people they know, or don't know. It doesn't necessarily means that I'm not sincere in wanting to be your friend just because I happened not to accept your request. Do you know that actually true friends do not maintain their relationship through such networks? They do it by talking to one another from day to day, sharing about things to maintain their friendship. This is friendship, facebook is just a useless portal. It doesn't affect your friendship or connection with another person. Just because of this, I feel so pissed :x

Now comes the main thing. This is the main reason why I don't talk to you. I don't know you very well and vice versa. I was very shocked to receive this message. You made me feel like a bad ass, being so judgemental as if I have a criterion set when choosing who to talk to. You simply make me feel bad. That's why I don't know you well, I don't talk to you, and since you stop sending requests, that's why I didn't have any request from you to accept. I'm not those initiative person by the way. It's like when you're better with other people, of course you'll talk more to them, that's why I'm always with other people. You can't possibly expect me to be going around to everyone being their friend right. I'm not that kind of person you know, and humans have their limits. By sending such messages, I feel so offended by it and thus I'm avoiding awkward eye contacts or anything. I think it is very ridiculous to be bitching about me, when you are the one who created the whole issue. You over think, that's what I can say. 

To be honest, I think sometimes you need to put yourselves in others' shoes. You can't possibly expect people to act in the way you want them to. When people act in the way you want them to, then that's what I call a fake personality. 

(With link to the next post)

You need to think in others' position, whether they will feel offended or hurt by what you say. I know it's not easy. I know I've been a little rude to not talk to you, yet I'm actually pretty traumatised from such responses. I know you will be like feeling pissed about this post, but whatever it is, I wasn't fully the one who started this thing. You must be pissed at how I shared about these things to my friends, well I'm sorry. When you have certain things bottled up, I'm sure you need a pair of good listening ears. Even though I've expressed that they are not the ones who I'm willing to share my feelings with, rather contradicting, but now I think I'm comfortable with that. So please think before retaliating or replying. 

I shall end here for tonight, no point explaining too much about this. 

Sneaks for part 2:

 "Its sad .................................................i am disgusted by you".

Don't get me started, seriously.

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