Friday, February 24, 2012

#99 - Don't Mess With Me (Part 2)

Finally back from Og Outing! (:

Today was simply,
Yeah, we headed for a pool session, and then we had a last minute dinner together with those who stayed. What can I say? I feel more and more close to my Og mates each day.

Okay, put that aside for now. As promised, part 2. Actually, I don't have much feel now to talk about it. It doesn't really matter to me now, for the fact that I'm a much happier and less sensitive person now.

Whatever it is now, I don't care. I think this doesn't really matters much to me more.

"Its sad that one has to put on a false persona in order to fit in... just pathetic.. why dun be a clown then? be yourself! why pretend? i am disgusted by you"

Why should I really care about it now?
I've learnt to love my life more, 
with such awesome Ogmates as well as classmates. I think nothing really matters as much to me now. I really want to enjoy my life in Nj. After all, 2 years can be fast and fun.. 

Yeah, so anyway, back to today!
Today was really an awesome day with 22, having lunch at Mac opposite of Scgs, then heading to Mambo to play pool. It'd been a week since we had our Og outing, and actually that ain't very long. 

Haha, yet to me, it feels long. I'm so used to hanging out with my OG every Friday afternoon till night.
Love the fun and sharing time, as well as our dinner time. So, today, we headed to Bukit Timah Food Centre!

A wave of nostalgia really swept me, the last time since I had hawker food was like years ago! 
I really miss eating in a hawker centre, drinking a mug of sugar cane drink, then enjoying the ambience.

(Even though it wasn't very nice:/)

Yet, I just love how the hawker centre in Bukit Timah is like. Simply relaxing and eating with your friends, what more could you ask for. Today was rather good and I look forward to more of such 'todays'. 

Oh yeah, a picture for last Friday's Og Outing to Bowling! (:

Today's Awesome Road Run (:

Yeah, lastly, an Og Shot of those who went to Pool today :/

(Sorry, that the pictures are not large, since it's not really super clear (: )

I was on form today (: 
Teamed with Elvin and we pocketed 6 within 2 turns. 

Alright, shall keep this short.
 Really tired, bye yeom (:

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