Sunday, December 30, 2012

#122 - Farewell, 2012.

2011 ended fast and well, 
but it was 2012,
who ended even faster.

No, the world didn't end, but the time for 2012 did. 
Today marks the last day of 2012, 
31st December 2012 to remind you.

Most suitable word for 2012 was perhaps,

Yea, pretty much unexpected for me to use this word, 
but just unexpected.
I guess my life this year was is bittersweet.
There were many moments to cherish, yet some memories to lose.
Let's look forward to 2013, but let me bring you through,
to my,


 9th January 2012

The day of release of 'O' Level results.
Was really nervous upon receiving news that one of the top scorers failed English, 
felt relieved that I didn't when I asked my English teacher before the release of results.

Moment arrived in the afternoon, 
when all the students gathered in the hall, waiting to see their names on the list of top scorers.
The names flashed, 
was scanning through quickly through the list of names of 8-pointers and 9-pointers.
The bunch of us were sitting together, despite the index number arrangement.
My classmates dragged me up as they stand.
Fyeah, 8 pointers!
That was the moment of truth, 
was so fucking touched and happy that day!

31st January 2012
Had I not remembered wrongly, it was this date.
Received a message.
Congratulations, you have been posted to 
National Junior College, NJCS27? 
Something like that, more or less.
Went back to sleep, but sigh upon hearing that no one got into the same school as me.
Oh well.


Phone rang in the night, 
OGL called for orientation the next day. 
Early in the morning,
boarded the bus to school together with Pamela.
Sigh, no fucking familiar faces, sat with other OGs instead of mine.
Outstandingly enough, no one dared to sit next to me. 
My entire row was, 
fucking empty. 
(Forgive me for the use of vulgarity, but must set mood for orientation right....)

Got into OG22.
Well, wasn't really feeling any better knowing them at the beginning. 
Then things started changing slowly. They became my first group of friends.
Well, you can't possibly be liking everyone, but they are sure to be the first one you like, 
I meant some of them.



Yup, awesome people I've met,
 and still as close closer since we meet up regularly in other parts of 2012,
still as awesome as a group together.

Late Feb,
Hockey came into my life, and till today,
still not regretting what I chose.
Boons over Banes, 
I guess.
First Sports CCA I've ever had,
but still loving it like the way it is!


11th March 2012

Still hang out as an OG, 
even during sports meet!

 16th March 2012

First ever hockey camp for me, bonded pretty much with my team mates!
12 of us, staying strong and united, 
despite only having skills of novice at that time. 
Then came another member in late July if I'm not wrong, and we got stronger with 13.



COACH doesn't know my name, 

 24th March 2012
Headed back to USS to receive awards on AWARDS NITE 2012.
First time in my life, 
I'm receiving so many awards, 
felt pretty much like a STAR.
Exaggerating much, but like I said, 


22nd April 2012

Funtasia @ NJC, 
wasn't as fun as Fun-o-rama, 
but my stall managed to raise around 3.6k for the school.
Well, 3.6k, 5th in the whole school, 
I think the school should have given us some Swensen's voucher.

Was super busy during April,
since it was 'A' Divs, 
Nationals Season!
Didn't get to play, 
but watching was just as good!
Didn't get into Quarter Finals, 
but good job seniors!


1st May 2012

Took a trip down to Chinatown for a sorta-like-learning-journey,
and tasted many special authentic food!
12SH12 gave me a surprise birthday celebration as well,
thanks loads, for those who came 
and wrote wishes on the board as a present for me!

Boarded at NJCBS for 3 weeks,
was horrendous because of the tight schedule and piles of homework coming in,
yet was able to catch more sleep.
Went Etude with class, 
was a great escape from the boarding activities!
Best memory I have was formal dinner night,
was like having mini clubbing, 
not that bad too.


13th June 2012

Met up with beloved 27'09 for BBQ at ECP, 
was a short session, but it was sure good.
Missed the last bus,
966 just zoomed off right in front of our faces.
Boarded the bus to Jurong for an hour before cabbing home.
Was good, cause hobos like us are loving such activities!

Had MYCT starting during late june, 
kinda sucked,
but results weren't too bad I guess.


What a boring month, had nothing to say about it.


8th August 2012

Performed for NDC for Terra, 
everyone sang praises for us,
yet we got last place.
thanks NJ.

25th August 2012

Was in charge of the Basketball section only for this event, 
cause shot put was cancelled due to the bad weather and the lack of time.
Even went pretty well other than that, 
met new friends,
many of them.
Got to know some people even better even though I don't really talk to them.


Was a tiring month, 
holiday homework piled up with overdue tutorials 
Celebrated birthdays for
 Corinne, Joey and Lynn,
 since their birthdays were like so close to one another.


 20th October 2012

Had a friendly against JJC, 
and to be honest,
they are the most friendly JC to play with.
I'm fucking serious, they play no violent and they bonded well with us
after the match.
This is what I define as FRIENDLY.


Helped out Joey in a Halloween party,
they said I was pretty scary with the make up.

25th November 2012

Head out for the Amazing Race with the CIP Kiddos - Outreachers! 
Had a fun day with them at Sentosa!


And finally,
December came.
Doomsday month.
Counted down to World end. 

Fyea, today is 31st December. 
Which son of a Bitch/Bastard said that the world was going to end on 21st December 2012?
That's is history. LOL.

7th December 2012

Had Hockey outing with 2012 batch!
Early training at Boon Lay was crap, 
but I scored the last deciding goal with an injured left hand.
That's how much you wanna win when it comes to hockey, but now, long since 
I've played, sorta rusty!

Anyway, outing was good, managed to teach many on how to ice skate, 
as a beginner.

13th December 2012

Celebrated Liyee's Birthday out at Town!
Was a small yet great celebration, 
left early for dinner with family afterwards.
Didn't have a chance to take a picture with the birthday girl,
but the one above is not bad too cause I'm inside.

18th-19th December 2012

Hockey Chalet cum farewell for seniors!
Had a great session with team and the girls, and special thanks to 
for leading us during the night cycling and ensuring our safety. 
First time riding such a long distance,
but loving the fun and joy.
Especially the chat and the debut of the new idol group.

T-an ZhenPeng

Awesome eh?!
Had an early Christmas session, thanks Dorothy,
my secret santa for the socks!

26th December 2012

Christmas celebration with Gangsta people. 
Headed over to  Pamela's house to party.
Had shots and made our own cocktails, then had feast and presents exchange session!
Took a picture w my secret Santa, Pearlyn.
Thanks for the bag!

27th December 2012

Spent the awesome 27th with 27'09!
Christmas party over at WINDEMERE Condo, thanks Vivek for the venue!
Thanks Yuhui, for organizing once again!
And yes too! Thanks for the cup and notebook!
Will use them well!
Really cherishing all the moments, 
playing werewolf,
 taking crazy pictures together and last but not least,
Mind-F__King games with everyone!
Celebrated Mr Chia's birthday and 
lepak-ed with the rest of the bros till midnight at some open area between the HDB flats before leaving!
Hoping for some Chalet soon!

30th December 2012

Headed out with the Fantabulous Llama Ohana Peeps!


Thanks for being such awesome people this year,
even though two of you couldn't make it as you are overseas!
Anyway, yesterday was good,
 and thanks Lynn! 
Really love the tribal design on the SIII cover you got for me, will use it well when I get my phone back!

The end. 
How will today be like? 
31st December, 
please be good, and maybe,
productive for once?

Happy Birthday to Dorothy and Weihan anyway, 
just a sudden thought of it!

1st of January, BBQ at Huiher's house! Looking forward to outings with Hockey before OGL camp starts from 2-4 Jan!
Gonna get real busy next week, 
I meant this week!
School's starting in a week's time, 
need to do some catching up with the work!
Gonna crash now, Kthxbye~

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