Sunday, December 2, 2012

#118 - Back to December

A month has passed since I last updated this space! I'm finally free, so I'm back here again!
Time flies, and we are going back to December!

(Time check: D-18 to World End, even though it might not be real)

Anyway, November was indeed a month that deserves a standing ovation. 
Before talking about November, I have some news, good news perhaps. I got promoted to SH2 next year. Well, this means that I need to start studying pretty soon since I'm taking As next year. Kinda scary, since my mind doesn't like studying at all throughout this year. I've got to get myself to be more disciplined, maybe starting on that horrible pile of overdue tutorials and undone revision packages first. I really need motivation and someone to discipline me. Can't let myself be any lousier, since next year determines whether all that I've done previously will go into waste or be converted into tears of joy instead.

Okay stop side tracking. Back to topic. Yea, November was sure good. Project Work is finally over, all I can say is that I'm so relieve. The burden is finally lifted off my shoulders, OP went well i guess, even though we had 6 assessors, 2 internal assessors, 2 internal moderators and 2 external moderators.Well, I see it as a blessing in disguise. We chose not to be afraid and picked up courage to do our best. It went well I guess, from the smiles and laughters we got from our skit and the attentiveness that the moderators had. Simply, relieving! So that's how the first and second week went. All was well, I guess?

Yea so lectures resumed right after that horrible period of insomnia and so on, I guess the number of people absent was greater than those present. Was a good boy, attended some lectures at least. (:

Hockey trainings are back, played better but still not the best, yet I see myself improving gradually with guidances from team mates and coach. Hope to be able to win the upcoming friendly anyway. 
A word from Iz, which I think is rather true and I ought to keep that in mind, " While you're afraid of your opponents, bear in mind that they fear you as well."

All I could say,

Coming to the end of November, attended a BBQ organized by Anekant. Awkward initially, but was good as we approached the end. Made quite a few new friends, despite being really shy. I guess I've learnt to be a  better person after all. Ended rather early as compared to usual BBQs with 27'09, nevertheless that 9 hours long BBQ was somehow worth it. The friendship and fun, thanks Anekant. Hitched a ride home with Iz, Hweeping on Cy's dad's car. Thanks loads Chunyi, if not for the ride, I would have burnt my pockets again.

Speaking of that, yea I need to save up pretty soon. So many things coming up one after another, ICE SKATING w hockey team mates, meeting up w friends, hockey chalet plus BBQ, treating my friends meals (MEGABURN). 


Guess I need to work at Mum's pretty soon. Gonna work this Tuesday, hoping to get at least $150 for all that work, if not I think I would have to withdraw from my bank as if I have a infinite amount of money. Starting to find ways to get quick money recently, yeah $20 allowance from volunteering at Standard Chartered Marathon Singapore 2012 (SCMS2012)

Thanks to Iz for helping me sign up and turning up to help me become a volunteer when he was recovering from a fever and having stomach flu~. 
This kind of awesome vice-captain-bro, where to get. 
Haha, okay other people around me are nice too!

The Marathon was great, albeit some disgusting moments I had. 
For those who want to know, read on then.

Yes, for all that you know, I was a pen crew, in charge of holding up the chain to stop the runners from being too hyper or what-so-ever that they charge ahead. So there were these two brothers who came forward. And one of them got me disgusted, not much, but too much. He freaking kept lifting up his pants slightly to pee on the road,  right in front of everyone and created a puddle. The thing is, the others stationed at the same place just so happen not to see it. What the shit, seriously! 

Who keeps lifting up your freaking shorts to show your dick and pee on the floor in front of thousands of pairs of eyes, for an hour? What's more shocking, I chanced upon his face online, via marathon pages. Yes, the champion of vertical marathon. Seriously, so thats what you do to win? You disgust people, way too much. 

That aside,
I'm glad to be stationed at the start point so I got to leave at 8 to have a good sleep at home! :) 
Had a good 8 hours sleep before waking up again. Anyway, had a horrible experience yesterday at Plaza Singapura, and I guess my luck is just not there w me, wherever I go. 

Oh yeah, today's Daniel Birthday. Happy 17th Birthday, hockey pro~! 

S'all, bye! 

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