Friday, December 14, 2012

#119 - Everything Has Changed

Time flies, and 2012 is going to end in 16 days.

Oh, maybe 6 days, if the world actually ends. Who cares actually?

Doesn't seem to me that the world will end on exactly 21st December.
 How is it going to end? 
Spread of disease?
 Natural Disaster?
 Alien Invasion? 

Well, it doesn't really matter.

Time really flies, forgive me for saying that again, but it really does and it's really fast. As time passes, people change. Observing them just makes you feel different about them, and this is really true. Well, it has been pretty obvious, hasn't it? 

You have really changed, from whom I thought would be someone I really consider as a good friend, whom I will sing praises about in front of others, to someone whom I still consider a good friend yet feel insecure about. Even the rest noticed, but have you?

Take the recent issues, I'm sure they make a pretty good example. 
I'm not trying to stop you from who you want to be friends with, but the feelings some people get when you choose someone else over them, it really sucks and I'm sure everyone feels the same way too.
 It's just whether they kept quiet and ignored it, or just lay it all out for you to see. 

I chose to keep quiet because I respect you, but now that things have changed way too much, I just want to nudge you, that you have really changed. 
It is not something bad, but I or rather we just want to get this message across.

Whatever it is, I just wish that you will not be affected, or offended, but just bear what I've said in mind. I'm fine with what decision you eventually make, because it's your choice and you will still be my good friend. I have no right to say anything after you've made up your mind. :) Still best buds k.

Not really applicable, but somehow it seems to me that it does to a certain extent.
Saddening enough,
I don't understand why. 
For this other person, maybe it's like what people say, when they stop talking to you, they start talking about you.
And, I treat you as a really good friend too.
 I might be over thinking about what I overheard the other day, but still you know it's never a good feeling to bear with. I hope things can clear up soon. :)

So anyway, holidays kinda feel like real holidays. Spent many days out, without doing any work. 
Left with so many things to do, like G-field Tutorial, Alkenes tutorial, Arenes tutorial, Maths Revision Package, Physics Revision Package, Chemistry Revision Package, Economics Revision Package and lastly, General Paper Revision Package. Practically, everything. Sigh, I'm too used to procrastinating and this ain't doing any good. Really wish that I can discipline myself, and force my body to sit down and at least complete something before the holidays end and I'm back to the old me, full of overdue tutorials. 

Someone has to wake me up, and I'm dead serious.
Can't let this pass.
Let's make a promise.
I will work hard in 2013, I'm dead serious.

Resolutions for 2013 actually came in early. 
So here we go~

1. To discipline myself
2. To pass all my quizzes, common tests and prelims with flying colours (I know this is damn typical, but who doesn't wish for this?)
3. To attain an 'A' grade for all subjects for A-levels (Gonna take up a lot of time and effort, but I'm willing to do it)
4. Team to enter Quarter-finals at least for Nationals 
5. To become more buff and weigh at least 58kg (Going into Army soon!)
6. To save (I have to, desperately)
7. To have more readers, definitely (:
8. To start reading (I know I really hate reading, but that's what I really have to do)
9. To stop disappointing myself and others
10. To change for the better
11. To believe in myself
12. To train my vocals after As (Gotta learn how to sing properly)
13. To be a more confident and skilful hockey player

Can't think of anymore right now, but they will be coming in right before 2013! 
Gonna crash now, nights.

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