Tuesday, December 25, 2012

#121 - Merry Christmas, Happy thanksgiving!

!Merry Christmas!

Merry X'mas everyone, though it's kinda late.
Never mind, it's the thought that counts, isn't it?
Yea, it's the season of giving anyway, so


Awesome gradient effect isn't it?
Decided to try something new this time, playing around with the colours.
So yesterday was Christmas, it ended an hour ago.
Yea, another boring Christmas has passed.
Well, I'm looking forward to the upcoming post Christmas parties anyway, 4 to be exact. 
Lots of receiving and giving to be done, and it's good that it's all after boxing day! 
I'm sure no one likes to have your present boxed and swapped away!

So yea, just looking forward to more parties, 
even though I'm kind of worried about my academics since I seriously have zero discipline over myself.
Have yet to seriously start any revision package and this is driving me nuts, 
pretty much.
Sigh, at least I finished all tutorials and tried my best.

Anyway, gonna crash. 
So here's a Christmas Tree for all!
Enjoy this festive season, and 2013 awaits us all!

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