Sunday, October 28, 2012

#117 - Judgement Day.

2 hours into Judgement  Day. 
11 hours later, I'm either sitting down alone, feeling way down, or celebrating with my friends.

 This year has passed pretty fast. Looking back, there were many occasions where there was fun and joy, anger and frustrations. Well, I awaited for this day. The final day, which tells me whether I'm going to promote or retain. I would say I didn't really put in any effort for promotional examinations this time, at most 30%, thanks to my phone. I regretted so much after getting S3 since it made me distracted all day long. If my grades are bad, then this means that I'm gonna keep my S3 away from me. 

Really unsure if I'm going to retain or promote, just wishing that my CTs will really pull me up a lot. I promise to study hard if I can promote with 4H2, just like what my friends say too. Today will determine many things. Whether I can be an OGL next year, whether I can still be in same class as my classmates. Of course, other than myself, I'm also praying for my other friends who had not done well as well. I really wish that they can promote together with me, since they are my close friends in school, be it same class or not. 

Speaking of today, it's also the day for 'A' levels mother tongue. All the best to all my friends out there (:

Just praying hard right now, wishing that Law of Attraction will work! Let us all promote together with 4H2s and being the bottom three classes for us will be history next year! :)

Let's put those worries aside.

Anyway, we celebrated Kanchen's birthday yesterday. Although it was belated, it was hell awesome. Met at tampines for a walk before heading to Marina Bay Sands for some fun. Really treasure such moments together as a clique, even though not all of us were present. Well, I'm really glad that she liked her present! :)

and something scary sorta happened yesterday.
WARNING: Pedophile Alert at MBS!
Yeah, we met a pedophile yesterday on our way to Marina Bay Sands, and it was pretty thrilling to get chased I guess!
Okay so this was what happened....

We exited Marina Bay MRT and were waiting for the traffic light to change colour. Since the waiting time was so long, we decided to take some group pictures. This man in green happened to appear beside us, and he ain't normal I swear. He freaking stared at us and gave those pedo smile which would freak everyone out!   
Initially, we thought we were overthinking, but no!

As soon as we crossed the + junction, he started slowing down, almost walking side by side with us. So the 7 of us were still oblivious of him, since we thought he was probably just passing by. So these was how we were standing. Corny, Glennys and I were at the front, while Chunyi, Kanchen, Jazlyn and Lynn were at the back. I noticed that something wasn't right when the man started slowing down and walking beside us, so I called Glennys to shift left since Corny and I were walking along the left hand side of the pavement. The man then walked closer to us before heading off towards the construction site in front. He stopped in front, which we then thought maybe he was waiting for someone or whatsoever.

When Corny, Glennys and I walked past him, he was still pedo-smiling at us and we were kinda disgusted. Then, we noticed that something was freaking not right. Since we were ahead, we decided to stop and turn back to see the other four behind. As soon as they walked past that man, he turned and began following them form behind. The three of us immediately tensed up. Chunyi was quick and he knew something wasn't right too, so he dropped behind the three girls. As we approached the next junction, all of us shared about the man and we knew that he is weird. At that instant, we decided to run across the road since it the green man was flashed. We thought we could shake him off since he would be unable to cross in time.

NO. That did not happen. He ran after us as soon as we ran. The faster we ran, the faster he chased. We got so freaking scared that we headed towards the crowd, hoping that he would stop. Eventually, he did, but it was not after he followed us for quite some distance (even after we headed to the crowd). We guessed that he knew he couldn't do anything to us since we were amongst the crowd. After some time, he turned and headed off in another direction. Yeah, and that was one hell of a scary chase by a pedophile in Singapore, my first time!

Gosh, if you people see him, either run or kick him in the nuts! Haha. Anyway, after which, we had muffin session, freaking good! Yeah, and we headed off to town for Macs and some talking session before heading home! Guess it was a day well-spent, except for the pedophile part. 

I'm looking forward to our Halloween celebration on Wednsday! So please come faster! 

Alright, time to turn in. Nights!


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