Wednesday, November 24, 2010

#30 - A Piece of Memory

  I'm officially back from SLC `2010 on 24th November, 2:45pm. I'm super tired now and I'm down with a fever. There's another camp tomorrow?! I'm gonna pray hard that I can wake up for it. Haven't even prepare myself for the camp tomorrow. Well, let's put it aside. First of all, SLC was is a success. It will never be a was, since it is still successful. HAHAHA! Alright, I shall talk about the 2 & a half days!

  First day was kind of great I guess. Almost everyone was early. Appreciate that, since punctuality is a virtue that all leaders should possess. Well, the juniors were so Egg-cited for the camp. I can read it from their face. HAHA! Started of with a briefing on the camp, as well as introduction of the fellow Sec 3 leaders! After that, it's time for Ice Breaking games & Bandanna Fashion Show Competition. Tribe Airai totally owned it, with Jeremy having the ultra sized boobs and mini skirt! Sad that he went home on the first day due to fever, if not there will be more fun and laughter. Lunch was speechless - Outdoor Cooking. My noodles tasted totally odd. Ate a few mouths and left the rest to shireen (: After that, it was the survivor games. Well, Pagong really had the brains! They were the last at the beginning and they shot up to around third after the survivor games. Team co-operation was their strength  and I believe if they weren't so quiet, they could have gotten top 3. I really admire Espada and Galu for fighting all the way, since their tribes were those with the least people, yet they persevered!

Galu - Tribe 9!
  Espada - Tribe 10!

  Next was Dinner time! Even though the can food kind of suck(?), I'm sure you guys should understand that the sec 3s are trying to stick to the theme - Survivor (: With the dinner done, time for movie~!!!! The juniors expected a horror one and some of them did not dare to watch. I understand, it's their first year. Many expected a night walk even though it wasn't in the schedule. Guess what? They were tricked again. Pamela faked a call, saying that night walk is canceled. The Juniors' face : YAY! The Excos were like trying hard to to laugh (: 

 Supper time. Yuhui and Yanty handling the drinks.

 Me & amelia giving sandwiches!

 Pamela giving sandwiches too!

YEAH, SOMETHING IMPT TO TELL. Riana ate like 10 + Sandwiches. Best eater of the day.

  It's time for bed next, even though there ain't any beds, as well as sleeping bag. At 3, it was the epic moment. Surprise Night Walk. Even though it ain't that scary, yet there was lot of effort put in by the sec 3s and I really appreciated it. Seriously, it was hard to advise some of the Juniors not to scream, since the residents might complain. Well after all, I would say that the night walk was almost successful, just a few hiccups here and there. Yeah, the Juniors can't use this idea anymore, until a few years later since it would be expected. HAHA! 

 Chilling before night walk Check out Thulasi's face. HAHAHA!

The ghost/dolls of Nightwalk (:  Izzati and Syazana.
 The three funny faces. Elsa, Nadra & Riana.
 Tambaqui in their Fright Night holding Area. Cute huh!
 Night walk ended at around 5:15 am, and we went to sleep again. The sec 3s slept for 1 - 2 hours before they start the activity next day. Physical Training was canceled since we wanted the Juniors to rest well (: After breakfast, it's time for Amazing Race (: I'm the organizer, yay! Well, it did went off smoothly, just that it was affected by the rain. My apologies too, with some error in the clue for detour, regarding the block numbers. Well, Galu came in first, while Ogakor was the only team that completed the whole league of the race. Next, the sec 1 student leaders went for the workshop while the Sec 2 and 3s went for council meeting. 

 Ready for amazing race & heading out.
  Ccac and Sc are merging to be Unity Council. I'm sure everyone was like what???!!!! Well, the school actually did this because we see that the leaders have proven themselves well enough, and we want them to work together and lead the school, while they learn from one another. Everyone will benefit after all. I agree that the 2 councils have different characteristics, yet they are both leaders. To me, I feel that this is really great. At last, everyone would not only be a Hyper person, but also understand how to run various school events, and be a leader that have the capability the change his or her character according to different events. If one can do so, I'm sure everyone can too.

  Time for Campfire. Even though everyone wasn't RAHRAH enough, at least we put in effort. The campfire was a success, just that there was a lack of atmosphere. Still great. Love the Sec three dance even though it wasn't that well.I simply just love the campfire, especially the campfire songs - Flea fly & My side.

My side ( EL + TL)

My side, my side,
My side, my front, my back.
My side, my front, my side, my back, my side, my front, my back!

Edited version!
Ravin, Ravin,
Ravin, Maithily,Thulasi.
Ravin, Maithily, Ravin, Thulasi, Ravin, Maithily, Thulasi!

No offense intended, we seriously find it hard to pronounce Tamil ><

  The Emcees. Amalina & Shireen.

  After Campfire, the sec threes received a lecture from Mr Teo. I mean like, I know everyone feels a bit sleepy already. However, even though it was a long lecture, I'm sure we understand how he feel actually. We did our best and yeah, we carried on to hype up everyone on the third day. Before sleep, slacked with Mr Goh and Jovita, Hakim, Krisada, Pamela, Jessie, Jia Hui, Elsa, Janice etc etc. Kind of nice to be gossiping around (: 

  Third day arrived and  PT in the morning. To  tell frankly, this PT is already lenient enough. Last year's SLC PT was worst. After breakfast, wet telematch. I'm dry (: Well, it's kind of heart pain for me to see my juniors getting injured. Sabri - Infected abrasion wound from a fall. He teared from the pain when alcohol was pressed against the wound. He was motivated by us, and survived the pain. Good job and GWS. Nicolette - Fell during the course of wet telematch. Abrasions on knees and Elbow. GWS and Jy for camp next year! Letitia - The one who whave 3 toe nails breaking off with lots of blood oozing. She didn't even cry. You are brave! GWS and see you soon with a recovered foot! Last of all, thank you Pearlyn & Nickson & Ying Cui & Atiqah for helping out in being first aid-ers when Min Yee is no around. We make a great first-aid team! :DDDDDDDDDDDDD

  After area cleaning, we had debrief plus prize presentation. Rankings below:

1st - Airai, tribe 5. 602 pts.
2nd - Tambaqui, tribe 3. 558 pts.
3rd - Lopevi, tribe 6. 534 pts.
4th - Forza, tribe 7. 533 pts.
5th - Galu, tribe 9. 524 pts.
6th - Espada, tribe 10. 503 pts.
7th - Pagong, tribe 1. Ogakor, tribe 2. 491 pts
9th - Chapera, tribe 4. 485 pts.
10th - Timbira, tribe 8. 458 pts.

  Well, the man focus is not on the points, but the leadership skills learnt and imparted. I really hope every one will love and treasure this piece of wonderful memory. Look forward to see all this potential leaders carry on the tradition as the years go by. Even though there is a merge, definitely, a stronger bond will be created. Hiccups may appear along the way, but what is important is the skills learnt from one another, as well as the team work developed. All the best to UCC endeavours. Future leaders fight on. 

SLC `2010 HUAT ARH! Love you all. 

Last but not least, thanks NadraMo for the pictures :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

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