Monday, November 29, 2010

#31 - Immature

  Hey guys, I'm back to blog again. Super lethargic these days and I'm like having a sore throat every few days. It's hard for me to even speak since my throat is like flooded with phlegm. Meals are hard to swallow and I ended up skipping 2 meals in one day. How nice. Yeah, I was irritated and annoyed by Twitter for the glitch two days ago for deducting my tweets away. Now, I don't know what's wrong with them. My tweets got doubled! Like seriously, twitter is so screwed up these days. I have nothing to blog recently eh. Except for the movie I caught last friday??? Guess what I'd watched????



Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows (Part One)

  Well, the movie was quite okay, just that it would be better if it is a full movie. Actually, the director still cut of a lot of parts, just that this time round, they cut less. It was quite funny, but I think that I'm gonna forget it before the next part is out. It's damn funny at certain parts like when they took the Polyjuice potion. There was the part where Ron did something funny. It goes something like that:

Ron:  ( He said something about his wife and children at the basement)
Harry: Ron, you don't have a wife.
Ron: Yea. 

They were actually in disguise. Curious or blur now, go watch it! (: HAHA! Alright overall, I give it a ********/**********. I bet you're counting. It's actually 8*/10*!


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