Wednesday, November 10, 2010

#26 - Spent Too Much Thoughts

  Hey I'm back to post after a week's rest. Yeah, I think I'm done. I'm so not gonna get an 'A' for my normal mother tongue paper. Firstly, last 2 or 3 months, came the oral and Listening Comprehension. What to say? Oral, I'm still fine. Listening Comprehension???? Screw it. There was thunderstorm on that day & I was like in a dilemma for many questions. Guess what? The answers were like 50%-50%. I took the wrong one for all my dilemmas and the correct ones are the ones that I chose to give up on during the dilemma. Okay, next. Paper 1. Hmmmmm. The letter writing was fine. Hope I can get like 16 & above. The free writing was _(insert any word)_. Hope can get like 34 and above? That's not too bad I guess. Now is the time. Screw you paper 2. I was unsure of 3 questions in the cloze passage. All my first answers were right. i changed three of them after checking and guess what? I made the wrong choice in a dilemma again. WTFFFFF??????? Why must it always be like this? Checking seriously just make you more and more nervous and end up screwing everything. The back of the paper was great actually. The MCQ passage probable a 18/20 and the comprehension maybe a 30 out of 40 I guess. Afterall, I can only get like 53/70, which is like just getting an A1. Plus my screwed up area, I'll probably settle down with a B3 or just nice, A2. I mean, A2 is good. But, I want an A1. Everyone seems to be confident to get one. I just can't help it but think too much over it. What if I get a B3? I'll be like F___ man. I'll have to force myself to memorize the dictionary and take another 'o' level paper for 50 bucks! What now. No point crying over spilled milk I guess. I just pray hard that I'll get an A, preferably an A1.

  I shall not think of it tonight! Spoil my appetite. Hmm, these days had English workshop. quite okay, funny at times. I learnt a lot, but sort of don't like to copy so much. There's always this word which keep pooping in my mind now - Generalise! I just can't stop thinking about it cause it was mentioned so many times during the workshop. HAHA! I haven't eaten since this morning till just now @ around 4. How great I can be! I only had a slice of pizza and a tub of Ben & Jerry. Dining out later I guess. Don't really feel like going out. After this massive shit Chinese paper, SPA for chemistry is coming up next Monday. There's like insufficient practices for it. Simply irritating ttm can, since we only like practice the experiments for once. for goodness sake, since the teachers want us to score well for our 'O's, why aren't they giving us more practices to perfect ourselves and help the school to achieve more distinctions for Chemistry??? SPA is 20% okay!

  I seriously have so much to express and I'm really looking forward to the SLC, to let myself relax a bit, and maybe for another overseas trip??? Someone being me overseas can? If not, I'll be bored to death at home and cry over my pathetic results for 'o'. Miss Lee gave us 70 questions for maths homework to do during the holidays. Shall finish it soon. There's nothing to complain about actually, compared to 38, we are doing so much lesser (: Sense of relief. Post till here. Bye readers (:

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