Monday, November 1, 2010

#24 - A Chilly Day

I'm Back (continued)

Day 04 ( 26th October 2010 )

 Views from my hotel room. Tatami mat for the night okay?! See the wind outside so strong. Around 12 degree Celcius!

 Lake Biwa. It is around 673 sq Km. It's bigger than Singapore. Can you imagine that?????? It can submerge the whole of Singapore already, but it's shallow. Heard that it is only 104m deep.

 Group photo! The girls' hair all flying (:

 Maiko Marine Promenade, also known as pearl bridge. Damn chio and the coldest place visited out of 6 days. The temperature near sea always very cooling.

 Lunch! There were lots of odd food there. I only ate some of them. ): After that, we went to the Sekisui House, but too bad. No photos could be taken there.

 Ta-da. Dinner @ Royal host. Had Iced chocolate drink, cold water, corn soup and chicken chop + rice. Quite okay. Bought a bar of chocolate there too. Willy Wonka's Brand!

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