Monday, November 15, 2010

#28 - Carelessness is Expensive

 Yeah, I'm back to post again. Well, today kind of sucked for me. Chemistry SPA, I studied so hard for it, yet a careless mistake killed me. I wrote the temperature wrongly, 36.5 as 46.5 It would most likely cost me 2m. Like OMG? I know how to do the experiment, just that I was careless. Screw it man. Well, I've been down these days, due to academic and time management. Life is really short and that kind of suck. You will always get defeated by yourself, your careless mistakes. I seriously hate carelessness.

  After all, I guess everyone is sad after the SPA too. Almost the whole class has at least one mistake. I could hardly find some with none. Yeah, now I'm feeling better, after repeating in my mind the motivational phrases. One from Jing Ru: Look ahead and be positive, and you'll achieve your desired results. One from myself: Being demoralized is the best motivation. One from my sis: You don't need a 100 to get an A1. Well, that is freaking true. Now, I'm just hoping that I will do better for the other practical assesments. Be positive!

  I'm really touched by today, regarding the farewell party for the seniors. Even though it's not that well done, however, we did put in effort I guess. I'm looking forward to Student Leadership Camp. After tomorrow, I'm free from school. I don't have to cry over spilled milk anymore. No point doing that by the way. Alright, shall end today's post with a quote from Shireen that I really loved:" Just because you're the last person to start the race, it doesn't mean that you can't finish first." That's motivating! (: Cheers!

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