Saturday, October 13, 2012

#115 - Light Up The Sky

Promotional exams are over. Like finally. 
Now, it's all back to normal school day. Perhaps.
Maybe no, thanks to project work. Not gonna talk about it since it creates a massive headache. 

Well, kinda sucks to be in NJ. We only had half a day of inter-house sports competition.
Terra won basketball though. 
Would have missed school that day anyway, if not for PW. Oh well. 

Days after promos are really boring. What I look forward to everyday is HOCKEY. Yea, just hockey and nothing more. Run 4km, training, gym session, team bonding activities. Now these is what I called awesome. I swear every hockey session in NJ is like the highlight of our school. Can't really think of other fun things, except for orientation maybe? Can't really say orientation was good, but it was at least better? I'm actually in a dilemma now, about whether I should apply for OGL. Really wondering. Yes no? 
I don't really know. At this stage, I don't even know how I'm gonna perform for promos since I know I've screwed up my strongest subject. Oh well, no point crying over spilled milk.

Anyway, I'm kinda glad that I managed to score a goal against NYP that day, regardless of my sloppy play. Even though I know that this could not be done with them letting off their guards, but nevertheless, I've really learn to like myself more. As in not being more self-obsessed, but less disliking of why I an't seem to find any usefulness in myself, since I'm a jack of all trades, master of none. Indeed, I am.

Anyway, my specs got knocked into two during PE recently. Don't know what to do about it. Can't break to parents, can't bring myself to pay that $250 too. What to do? This year has been full of spendings and no savings. I've withdrew so much from my bank, and this $250 would be another great blow/ What else can I do? I can't possibly demand $250 for whoever is responsible for this right? I mean, it would be quite mean to do such a thing, cause after all we are all classmates. What should I do? People tell me different things, but who to listen to?

Make him pay the full amount luh!
Make him pay at least half of it luh!
Bring a parang!
Ask your sister to pay for you?

These are all I hear all day long from different people. But I can't bring myself to do it, unless the person is willing to. But still, you understand me, its still kind of bad. Really wish something good would happen soon. 

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