Friday, June 1, 2012

#107 - Disheartened Passion

I'm back from Hockey BBQ! Indeed an awesome one even though there wasn't much bonding done.
I'm really tired right now, to sleep at 4am yesterday, then waking up at 9am and rushing down to National Library to complete GPP, then back to YewTee for BBQ. 

Sometimes, you just have the strength to handle all these stuff together regardless of how drain you are. For that, I'm quite proud of myself since I've completed GPP! (: Huge obstacle ahead, yet I'm gonna tear it down like what I've always been doing, overcoming obstacles. 

To be honest, what I heard hours ago was really saddening. Yes, if you do not know, we are most likely the last batch of hockey juniors. I'd really mad if you still ask me what this means. I'm really disheartened. To be honest, why hockey? I know that academically we have been performing just like any other average student in the school, and in terms of Nationals itself, we performed better than other CCAs. Although the school has to take into account of the existence of other CCAs that has been with NJ for nearly a third of the century, but please note that our seniors performed very well this year. The girls even went into top 6. This means that we are capable of achieving even higher. 

I'm really at a lost.

 I can't say much, just totally moodless to mention hockey now. My passion for hockey still burns, and I know I have to play my best not only for Nationals next year, but in every game of hockey. However the thought of us being the last batch of juniors, I can't let it go. It's affecting me to a certain extent, because I think I'm too obsessed with hockey. I know myself, that I place academics before hockey, but it is hockey where I foster awesome friendships and discipline myself. Did some soul-searching and still, Academics> Hockey > any other things. I'm really wishing that hockey could last for at least the next decade. I'm sitting here praying. 

Really, disheartened.

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