Friday, June 22, 2012

#109 - 27'09, My Second Family

2 weeks without updating, and I'm once again well received by this little space.
Alright, gonna keep this short since it's like 230am in the morning and I still have some revision to do later. 
Yeah, my holiday is screwed, thanks to this Common test. 

To me,
Physics is just physically challenging.
Chemistry is chemically interesting.
Maths is mathematically frustrating.
Economics is economically confusing.
General Paper is generally boring.

Yes, the parts and parcel of being an Njcian, with the common test commonly demanding and nationally stressful.

I don't feel as much stress as last year, when I should really be right now. Things have change pretty much and I'm seriously starting to hate the fact that I'm being such a lazy me. I used to not leave the house or touch twitter for 30days. I'm being honest here! But now, look at me, I can't even leave my phone for like an hour. Even if I do, when it comes to break time, the break duration simply exceeds the number of hours I study. I'm really tired. I'm really in need of a good long break. I'm really in need of motivation. Sometimes, I ask myself, why not give up, then comes again, I think of the reason why I held on. Yet again, it revolves around the word why, why hold on when you know it's hard to do so. 


That's all that I can say. I care for my future, I care about my dignity and pride in front of others, and exactly, I care much, just too much. Sometimes I should really let go of some things and direct more attention to simply myself. I shouldn't care about why others are doing better or otherwise. 

After the CTs, be it good or bad, I know I didn't study at my best during this holidays. I shall spend the one week break, reflecting about myself and be more optimistic since the law of attraction applies here! I shall read about the secret of it someday, yeah just any other day I guess. Really need to let myself rest after a tiring continuous process of doing homework and slack-mug. Yeah, the tiring routine of Jc is the reason why when it comes to CTs, your mind just go: BORING. 

Anyway, really tried my best to control my slackiness, or maybe not. I did put in effort though, and you reap what you sow. Wish me best of luck for CTs, I really do not wish to fail any subjects, especially physics and econs and Gp. Okay for maths and chemistry too. Don't want to disappoint my really awesome teachers I have here.

Content getting dull and repetitive I know, cliche too. Okay back to awesomeness. A bounce back from the gloominesssssssss =__=

Great, finally met with my awesome friends, 5 years of friendship each, and that's half a decade. Oh yeah, and have I said this before? One of them has a decade old of friendship with me (: Proud of it!

Headed to ECP with these people who I really miss, the attitude of this class never changes and this is the reason why I love them. They are the people who I can relate to, share my secrets with and have fun with. Compared to friends or should I say students in NJC, life is so different. I remember what touched me the most was when these bunch of friends asked me how's school and they told me things to make me feel better.

To be really honest, I've yet to find a substitute for these people because you don't find them in NJ. NSKs like us just have that swag that kids from elite schools don't have. They don't know what's clubbin', don't know how to play pool, don't know how to ice skate, don't know what is called creating nuisance in public without being AA, being cool, not going OMG when someone swears, and the list is not exhaustive. I know this may be offensive but come on, put yourselves in my freaking pairs of shoes. I'm already being nice, not listing worst things that they have asked me. Eg. Where is town? FACEPALM TOTALLY.

I've really met the other side of Singapore, yes and for now I'm pretty satisfied with myself in being able to find where I stand. May not be the best, but sure that us NSKs have better GK than most of the muggers in NJC.  

Whatever, seriously. Back to topic :D.

Photos Exhibition, Let's go!

With Camwhore expert, Angela (:

I don't know what's with this trend of 4 pictures in one, but most girls like taking such photos!
Yeah and sorry for the blurry pictures, you know Iphones.

With Chuxuan (:

With Angeline (: 
That mysterious ray of light on my face?!!!

10 years of friendship, Janice Ong (: 
Congrats, can get promotion to loyal fan already :P

With Justina (:

With Max! (: 
Sorry, I'll stop growing taller! Promise.


Watch my shirt grow some heads!
Haha, keeding~

Yeah, Wenwei's head kinda scary :/

My Mini heart for everyone! (L) :D

Taupok Sessions, as always. Forgive me for my face :/

Then it was Full Shots :D Awesome!!! Family Photos~!~!~!~!~!~!~!

The cool kids, the rest call it the Poly Pose!, In Jc, BUT I LIKE :D Family Bonded as one!

JC life, a.k.a. mugger life ): But everyone's damn cute in this picture. Except the part on the bottom left though, book rated, R21.

My favourite photo of the day :D

And somehow, someone managed to zoom in to my face and took a picture. Thanksxzczxcxzczxc. -.-

Yeah, last picture. 
Forever alone for the win!

And, Goodnight, oh wait. Time to get motion sickness in Circular motions before I sleep :P

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