Saturday, May 26, 2012

#106 - Culmination

Last night, the epitome of awesomeness.
Awesome people.
Awesome dance party.
Awesome night.

It'd been some time since all hell broke loose. I lost my mind yesterday in that wonderful hyped up atmosphere. Yeah, I attended NJCBS Formal Dinner last night. I really couldn't express much on  how I felt last night. Being able to dance on the stage, amounting up to around 50+ songs, with so many people watching you. This can never be better. One of my life goals is to be able to express myself in front of others on stage and give them my best. I wouldn't say I gave my best yesterday, but nevertheless, it was too memorable. To be dancing to people and them dancing back at you, how rare these opportunities are. 

I've seen so much, heard so much, felt so much. I couldn't go any higher than that yesterday. I was like at the peak of the day, being hyped up, and high up. The atmosphere was simply good, with people joining in the dance and that's when you see who are the potential people who can bring you fun when going clubbing with them. Did I mention I was flying in the air for once? Okay, I think I didn't. That was mad crazyyyyy. My mind was already flying high up and then I was carried and spun in the air for like 10 times. First time in my life I'm flying! (: 

I really miss boarding, and I kind of regret not taking a lot of pictures yesterday. I miss waking up at 645am instead, and then having breakfast. I miss rushing to tap fingers together with 12. I miss those nights after dinner, when we played saboteur etc. I miss the formal dinner.

I miss so many things. These are what I've brought away from boarding and I wish that in return, NJCSB has received my love! Haha.

Can't think of anything else to say. 

Let the pictures talk.

Hockey Family' 2012/13

Hockey Guys team, plus GRACE & SYAFIQAH!

Oops, and JOAN. C. 

Classmates' 12. 
I know I should have gotten that bow tie to match my attire. Nevermind, next year's Prom gonna be good. 

Hockey Dudes (:!

With my bro, Chunyi! (: The best friend you can ever find!

Yeah, sorry for the outdated picture!
NJC ETUDE, Band concert. (:

(": Cheers & Happy Holidays~

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