Friday, December 17, 2010

#34 - Customers Turned Into Birds

  Wow, just realized that I haven' been updating my blog for like 11 days already. Yes, I'm back now. Really nothing much to talk about. Yeah, so I went for my nephew's first month celebration at Jurong Safra on 121210. The mealthere was okay, just that some of the food don't really suit my appetite. Overall, it's quite okay. There were like around 10 dishes to choose from - Fried Rice, Braised Noodles, Mushrooms with broccoli, Sweet & Sour Fish, Roated Chicken, Samosa, Spring Roll, Prawns coated with oat, Curry and lastly the dessert, Honey Dew Sago. My favourite was I think the spring roll, since it tasted like the one I ate during SLC'10. Overall, the food is 7/10. Yeah, didn't really took any photos there. Only some, which I'll upload maybe a few days later.

  Today's my sister's birthday. So HAPPYBIRTHDAY! :D Well, she's finally 18 this year, thus she can go for driving lessons already. That's so fast. We went out with mum to Takashimaya first to settle something. wll, the christmas tree there is freaking huge, around 3 to 4 storeys high. Took some photos and then headed to Bugis. What to say once I reach there? I freaking hate Singapore's hot weather and how crowded Bugis was. Seriosuly, I don't like it. We shopped at Bugis street for 30 minutes before going to Sakae for lunch. Ate like mad and felt super full quickly. A piece of advice: Do not go to Sakae at Bugis. The service there is super bad. The first thing is that the waiters and waiteresses are not really efficient. We had to order two times for what we wanted. They probably forgotten about our order. Next, the computers there are faulty. There was an additional of 2 dishes added to our ordering list that we didn't ordered. In fact, I don't understand how this happened. The computers there are laggy too. Afterall, I don't like it. No offense seriously.  At 430, we headed back to shop at Bugis Street again. Today was a good harvesting day. My sister and I bombed my mum's wallet. HAHA! I got myself 3 bermudas at the usual shop that I go: 2nd Edition. It has like 5 branches in the whole street. I got them at a discount at 3 for SGD36. Not bad huh. My sister got herself a studded jacket, a mini jacket, a pair of RUSH heels & 2 tees with a free necklace at only SGD70. What a great discount over at bugis street, so hurry now and purchase your items there. :DD Alright, gonna end my post here. Nights.

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