Monday, December 6, 2010

#33 - A Sniper's Cut

  I'm back finally, after I MIA-ed so long. Holidays are kind of boring, I mean, next year is 'O's already and I'm sort of freaking out already. I've not even completed any homework. There's like 70 maths questions (only completed 30), 23 Geog questions (only completed 5), 2 Essays for SS & 1 essay for English. I've so LITTLE left -.- Hate myself for not doing it for the past few weeks. People around me are like trying to complete them in two days while the rest just wait till the last week of holidays then they rush, which I do not want to. I'll have to force myself to study this time I guess, since my study mode always turns off after examinations. Trust me, I forget everything I learnt this year. All the formulae, textbook answers all gone. Seriously, my brain is failing me. Kind of sad. Gonna bring the memory back and save them in my memory card ^^

YES! I found this picture. It's in our homework list!

  Yeah, I got a new haircut today. Not bad, just that the hairstylist was a bit violent. He was like snipping here and then razing there. It's super painful yet it was a good haircut after all. I guess that's what people mean by No pain no gain. Yeah, that's all. Enjoy your last month of holidays before next year comes. I'm looking forward to my nephew's monthsary this sunday and relative's wedding after Christmas. Probably going for BBQ on the 10th, then head to town with siblings to shop. :D

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