Friday, December 24, 2010

#35 - A Month Old

  As promised, I'm going to post a the pictures of my 3 nephews! All boys, seriously, no niece. HAHA! They got similar names too - Zendon, RayDen & Aayden. Wah, is this sort of a new tradition? Maybe my children next time needs to have a christian name that ends with -den. Lols!

 Rayden. I think he is around five months old. He eats a lot more than his brother, Zenden.


 Another picture of Aayden, sleeping.

  The little kid in the middle is Zenden. He's three years old. The guy smiling away behind the elderly, who is my grandfather's brother, is his dad. My cousin is so much older than me right? Like 12 to 13 years. Yeah, this is the table I sat in the ballroom too :) 

  Enjoy the picutures :D

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