Thursday, April 17, 2014

#127 - Graduated!


As cliche as it may sound,
I've finally braved through the course of Basic Military Training (BMT) and has officially graduated!

Proud to be from Pegasus 01/14!

*Clap Clap*

Anyway, it's block leave right now!
 I'm quite bored since the weather has been like some stuck up bitch, forever PMS-ing.
 Pardon me for the use of such words, but the weather has been pretty much anal. A moment of burning hell and later, a surge of chills sent down your spine. Nevertheless, thank god that I don't have to tolerate such weather during BMT!

Since this is my second post of the year, let me see if I've fulfilled the resolutions made!

1. Be happy like the start of 2014.
Still finding that perennial source of happiness.
Yet, I've found something to keep me away from feeling miserable. 

2. Meet up with and Acquaintances at least once a week/month. More than happy. 
Yup, doing it as how we always do! And Acquaintances FTW

Really can't express the amount of gratitude for these people, taking out much of their treasured and important weekends to spend time with me! Thanks for all the meetups, dinners, movies and bowling! Love you guys till eternity. I know it sounds damn gay, but these people are worth turning gay for, for like 5 seconds. LOL

3. Be more mature.
Still growing up, in the process!

4. Save up the entire year.
Trying very hard to, but yeah, saving up!
Stopping myself from withdrawing nowadays.

5. Grades for As to be good so that I can enter either Pharmacy, Business or Aerospace Engineering.
Got into Nanyang Business School! But, trying to appeal for Aerospace Engineering since they didn't allow me to apply for the second time :)

6. Get into AIRFORCE/NAVY 
Vocation results will be out tmr! Bless me. Really do wish to do something related to Airforce!

7. Make great buddies in Army.
What more can you ask, having section 2!

8. Achieve in Army.
Every little thing is an achievement! So of course!

9. IPPT Gold.
Virgin single minute timing! 
New record of 09:34!

10. 2.4km under 10min.

11. 2.4km under 9min 30sec.
Damn close, just 4seconds away!

12. 2.4km under 9min.
Shall leave this for the next vocation!

13. Be healthy and safe.
Still as injury prone, though.

14. Go to EU/US/Brazil/NZ/Korea via SIA
Waiting for ORD and money! :)

15. Take SIA Business Class/ First Class/ Suites

16. Hit 60kg and get buffer in Army.
Gained till 56, but went down to 55!

17. Improve on singing and dancing.

18. Learn Bboy.

19. Play Bball well.

5/19 achieved, and about 3/4 of the year to go! 
Hopefully I'll be able to fulfill till 10, by the end of the year!
Till then!

Aside from resolutions, feeling so drained from boredom over this block leave. 
So thankful, for those people who are hanging out/ have hanged out/ will be hanging out with me.

  Was great because TEAM AC met up to have bro talk!
Impromptu as usual, but that's what make us available and happy!

 Just another rest day.

 Awesome cause of Sentosa and Hardrock with Section 2, followed by dinner and shopping with my favourite AND ACQUAINTANCES (Y)

An exact copy of sunday, and it the fun seems to be alternating!

 Spent my day clearing L4D2 Campaigns and Learning D2. 

WOW, did I just mentioned learning how to D2?
 Funny how I used to dislike Dota cause I find it pointless and boring. Now, here I am learning all the basics. Suck pretty bad, but I'll give it a try.

Woke up damn early, to meet up with my 6-7 years worth of friendship friends, for breakfast and then Wii at Shireen's house!
 Had so much fun riding cars and laughing through the intense dancing game!
 Thanks for the morning :)

Boredom times a million! Going over to Pam's house for dinner later, hopefully it's fun? Haha

(Looking Forward)

VOCATION NOTIFICATION DAY! I swear I'm feeling the same as how I felt before receiving As results, 

Hope it's good news! 

KTV/ Bowling with OG22 for morning as well, gonna be full of nonsense!

Gonna head out with part of my favs for dinner! 

 Oh yeah, hopefully a meet up with Acquaintances/AC kiddos! 

Saturday! & Sunday!

No plans currently! Anyone wants to date me out before this poor lonely soul goes back to Army for good?


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

#126 - Time flies, but you're the pilot.

Exactly a week till my plane arrives in its destination.
Time flies, but I'm the pilot.
In a week's time, I'll be in the army.
 Things past by really quick and I really do wish to enjoy myself before and of course, during army.

So much memories from December last year and January, 
right now in 2014.
And all I can say, is I really miss the company from my favourite and Acquaintances.
Craziest bunch ever, yet the ones who never fail to make me happy.

Gonna keep it real short. Resolutions time. Since I'm turning 19 this year, let's make it 19.

1. Be happy like the start of 2014.
2. Meet up with and Acquaintances at least once a week/month. More than happy.
3. Be more mature.
4. Save up the entire year.
5. Grades for As to be good so that I can enter either Pharmacy, Business or Aerospace Engineering.
6. Get into AIRFORCE/NAVY 
7. Make great buddies in Army.
8. Achieve in Army.
9. IPPT Gold.
10. 2.4km under 10min.
11. 2.4km under 9min 30sec.
12. 2.4km under 9min.
13. Be healthy and safe.
14. Go to EU/US/Brazil/NZ/Korea via SIA
15. Take SIA Business Class/ First Class/ Suites
16. Hit 60kg and get buffer in Army.
17. Improve on singing and dancing.
18. Learn Bboy.
19. Play Bball well.

That's all. I hope they will all come true.


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

#125 - 언젠간 멈출 테니까 Cause one day, I'll stop.

난 괜찮다잖아

Or simply


I'm fine.

Have been stuck at home for the past few days with this drowsy weather. All these drowsy spells, deterring me from trying to sit down and read a book or at least something pertinent to my exams. This kinda suck and falling asleep every moment doesn't help in any way.

I swear I fell asleep three times today.

Been kinda lazy this year and this is really not what I should be doing, considering that it's As this year and CTs was a total wake up call. Trust me, you won't even want to hear about it cause it's barely a pass for the overall. Sometimes, I just wonder if I've chosen the right path, because I'm not getting the desired results, neither do I love the way my schedule is. 

Then again, I tell myself. I've come so far and shouldn't regret. What's done, has been done. Gonna suck it up and embrace myself. 

Time is running out.

 It flies, it really does.

 I have really been a bad pilot, because I don't feel comfortable in my flight of time.

 I wished I could have at least worked twice as hard each day until now and I will feel better. But what's the past, is history and tomorrow will never be the same again. I've really regretted not putting enough effort and what's the worse is to see others enjoying and doing well, but you're just unprepared. I have only one last leap of faith for the remaining 58 days. I know deep down inside, that it is not really possible for me to have my preliminary grades increase by 16 in total. For that I've screwed up pretty much for the papers done. 

Now there is only something left to do, which is to work hard for the rest of the papers. Mind over body, but I don't know if it's the body being undeserving or the mind. Every time I motivate myself, only to find myself not doing what I promised to, hours ago. Sleep is not helping either. I'm really confused if my mind is mentally tired or is it my body which is physically tired. Really hope that my grades can increase by 10 in total to make myself happier, at the very least, an A for math. It's not gonna be easy, but I'm gonna keep trying. I really need someone to discipline me too and let's hope that the universal force out there will help me through next week and make my grades really jump! 

At the end of the day, it still holds true that prelims ain't everything and As should be the ultimate goal instead.
 Yeah, pretty much to remind myself about. 

Really wish for good news somehow, after prelims, while I'll be mugging my way through and find back the joy of studying and the happiness I used to have two years back. 
Being that sincere, cause I'm afraid that one day, I'll stop. 
Hope that that day will never come. I don't want to see myself being disappointed like how I was for PSLE, 6 years ago. :/

Wish me luck.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

#124 - Life is all about learning, isn't it?

After a storm, there will always be sunshine and maybe,
a rainbow if you let it.

I'm sure last week wasn't the best for me, for that I've experienced so much, for it was all human complexity. We make mistakes, but most importantly, we learn from them.

I believe it's a blessing in disguise.
I've learnt to listen.
I've learnt to respect.
I've learnt about not expecting.
I've learnt what loyalty is all about.
I've truly understood the principle of forgiving and forgetting.

Really wanna thank these people for teaching me moral values, which I will bring them with me throughout my life.

 To earn respect, you have to show your loyalty.

 If you can't feel any better with what you have, make the best out of it. If people don't reciprocate, let it be. The feeling of helping someone when they need it, yet not expecting anything in return, will make you feel more altruistic. After all, life is a continuous cycle of "human stumping", but you've gotta live with it. Everyone is a corporate ladder for one another. However, you can make things better, by being loyal and giving respect. Only with that, then you can be sure that others and even yourself, will be one another's safety net.

At the end of the day, question yourself.
Will you really feel better when you can view the world only when you've climbed onto someone else's shoulder?
I don't think so. 
I want to catch the view together with the people who have made it with me. 

I guess what's best is like what I've learnt, to depend on yourself, yet giving others the boost that they need because after all, you will feel better and so do they.

Henceforth, being a neutral party and looking things from different perspectives does make a difference. Not only will you be more mature in thinking, but you learn not to give quick acumens but let things happen the way they are supposed to be.

I've learnt so much, to the point that 
I feel it's indeed a turning point for me and I'm glad to have friends out there to teach me different lessons. I hereby promise to change for the better, to live for the better and to make us all feel better.

That aside, I really hope this time I will perform for my prelims and that continue to work hard and do well at 
As, before enjoying prom and probable overseas trips with my friends! Really looking forward to spending time with all these people! :)

Gonna make today a positive and productive one!
Bye :)

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

#123 - When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life you have a thousand reasons to smile.

162 days, I know it has been long.
I decided to come back to this space, because there's just 
too much to say, too much to care.

Wouldn't say that the first half of this year has been the best, but I guess it was after all an emotional and memory-worthy one. This year, is indeed an important one for me.

This year, I believe that I've grown so much, with the support from the people around me. They've watched me grow and I'm sure that I want to make them proud and of course, make myself proud too. First half of the year was one hell of a roller coaster ride I would say. I got thrown to my lowest from my peaks and then get dragged back upwards because many people believed that the bottom doesn't belong to me. I wouldn't fully agree to this, since you can only see where you stand after a fall.

Nevertheless, I still want to thank all these people who have been by my side and will most probably still be there, for the years to come.

Had A divisions for the first time in my entire life. 
I swear it was indeed on of the best experiences that I ever had in my life.
You get to see how much harder everyone will work so as to move an inch closer to the goal. You get to understand the pain that people feel when they get defeated. You get to witness every euphoric moment. You get to observe your opponents and read their minds. You get to scrutinise experience players and learn from them. 

Indeed, there's a lot to see. So you've got to observe everyone from a distance away, because the closer you are, the less you will see. I'm sure many will know where this maxim came from. 

Yeah, that's right. It's from the recent movie, "Now You See Me".
I'm pretty sure that this maxim is a proverbial statement for many things in life. 
Friendship. Team. Relationship. Kinship. Brotherhood.

Who disagrees?

I think it's never wise to stay too close to people because the closer you are to them, the less you will see, the more you will feel hurt. I wouldn't deny that this is a selfish statement, yet it's somehow true.

This year, I've observe myself from a distance as well. I have to admit it sucks to have drifting friendships. Some people may say it's inevitable, but I guess that after all, it depends on the parties involved.

While typing all these, everything started settling down in my mind. It may not be actually that bad to lose, because while you lose some, you gain some. I wouldn't exactly say I've lost something, but I've lost my possession over some things. The friendship between this group of people. It's kind of awkward to still stay together and talk because it is no longer the same as before. I admit I have some fault in this because I'm not trying hard neither have I tried hard enough to bring this group of people back. I really miss those times when we go out for picnic sessions at Marina Bay Sands, our Christmas party, our awesome dates at town after events. 

I constantly remind myself, it's not gonna be easy, but it's gonna be worth it.
Yet, something beats me down all the time. The lack of response from these people. I've tried to take some actions but to no avail. I really guess that the friendship is either gonna stay stagnant at the moment, or the impending end will inch closer with each passing day.

I'm sad.

I find myself drifting apart with a few of others, from you all. 
I really hope that things will get better.

This aside, like I said earlier, you lose some and you gain some. I subconsciously find myself growing way closer towards some of my teammates, a new group of people who I can put more trust into. As of now, I only have five names in my mind, the names of the people whom I trust. They share their problems with me, ask me for help, cheer me up when I'm low, motivate me to work harder, teach me how to overcome challenges, teach me new skills, learn things with me. I'm really fond of such friendships, because deep down inside, we trust each other and we know which boundaries not to cross.

 It is such friendship that I've lost in some people, yet found in another group of people. 
What a revolution.

 Although this year I wouldn't say that my academics have improved greatly, under the help of these people, I feel myself moving closer to my goals each day. Well, if you're thinking about me being scheming and using such despicable methods to move towards my goal, then you're wrong. I chose to be with this people because we have similar goals, similar interests, and most importantly, we have mutual understanding, always assuring one another by a line from the mouth, I understand how you feel, just like how I always. Academics is just a tiny puzzle piece of this whole friendship.

These people whom I really treasure as of now, you know who you are. 
I'm really thankful for you guys this year. Friends do change, but I know that you guys won't. 
We have that, and I will always be there for you all, just like how you all have been there for me.

People like us, we gotta stick together.
Keep our heads up, cause we know nothing last forever.


Sunday, December 30, 2012

#122 - Farewell, 2012.

2011 ended fast and well, 
but it was 2012,
who ended even faster.

No, the world didn't end, but the time for 2012 did. 
Today marks the last day of 2012, 
31st December 2012 to remind you.

Most suitable word for 2012 was perhaps,

Yea, pretty much unexpected for me to use this word, 
but just unexpected.
I guess my life this year was is bittersweet.
There were many moments to cherish, yet some memories to lose.
Let's look forward to 2013, but let me bring you through,
to my,


 9th January 2012

The day of release of 'O' Level results.
Was really nervous upon receiving news that one of the top scorers failed English, 
felt relieved that I didn't when I asked my English teacher before the release of results.

Moment arrived in the afternoon, 
when all the students gathered in the hall, waiting to see their names on the list of top scorers.
The names flashed, 
was scanning through quickly through the list of names of 8-pointers and 9-pointers.
The bunch of us were sitting together, despite the index number arrangement.
My classmates dragged me up as they stand.
Fyeah, 8 pointers!
That was the moment of truth, 
was so fucking touched and happy that day!

31st January 2012
Had I not remembered wrongly, it was this date.
Received a message.
Congratulations, you have been posted to 
National Junior College, NJCS27? 
Something like that, more or less.
Went back to sleep, but sigh upon hearing that no one got into the same school as me.
Oh well.


Phone rang in the night, 
OGL called for orientation the next day. 
Early in the morning,
boarded the bus to school together with Pamela.
Sigh, no fucking familiar faces, sat with other OGs instead of mine.
Outstandingly enough, no one dared to sit next to me. 
My entire row was, 
fucking empty. 
(Forgive me for the use of vulgarity, but must set mood for orientation right....)

Got into OG22.
Well, wasn't really feeling any better knowing them at the beginning. 
Then things started changing slowly. They became my first group of friends.
Well, you can't possibly be liking everyone, but they are sure to be the first one you like, 
I meant some of them.



Yup, awesome people I've met,
 and still as close closer since we meet up regularly in other parts of 2012,
still as awesome as a group together.

Late Feb,
Hockey came into my life, and till today,
still not regretting what I chose.
Boons over Banes, 
I guess.
First Sports CCA I've ever had,
but still loving it like the way it is!


11th March 2012

Still hang out as an OG, 
even during sports meet!

 16th March 2012

First ever hockey camp for me, bonded pretty much with my team mates!
12 of us, staying strong and united, 
despite only having skills of novice at that time. 
Then came another member in late July if I'm not wrong, and we got stronger with 13.



COACH doesn't know my name, 

 24th March 2012
Headed back to USS to receive awards on AWARDS NITE 2012.
First time in my life, 
I'm receiving so many awards, 
felt pretty much like a STAR.
Exaggerating much, but like I said, 


22nd April 2012

Funtasia @ NJC, 
wasn't as fun as Fun-o-rama, 
but my stall managed to raise around 3.6k for the school.
Well, 3.6k, 5th in the whole school, 
I think the school should have given us some Swensen's voucher.

Was super busy during April,
since it was 'A' Divs, 
Nationals Season!
Didn't get to play, 
but watching was just as good!
Didn't get into Quarter Finals, 
but good job seniors!


1st May 2012

Took a trip down to Chinatown for a sorta-like-learning-journey,
and tasted many special authentic food!
12SH12 gave me a surprise birthday celebration as well,
thanks loads, for those who came 
and wrote wishes on the board as a present for me!

Boarded at NJCBS for 3 weeks,
was horrendous because of the tight schedule and piles of homework coming in,
yet was able to catch more sleep.
Went Etude with class, 
was a great escape from the boarding activities!
Best memory I have was formal dinner night,
was like having mini clubbing, 
not that bad too.


13th June 2012

Met up with beloved 27'09 for BBQ at ECP, 
was a short session, but it was sure good.
Missed the last bus,
966 just zoomed off right in front of our faces.
Boarded the bus to Jurong for an hour before cabbing home.
Was good, cause hobos like us are loving such activities!

Had MYCT starting during late june, 
kinda sucked,
but results weren't too bad I guess.


What a boring month, had nothing to say about it.


8th August 2012

Performed for NDC for Terra, 
everyone sang praises for us,
yet we got last place.
thanks NJ.

25th August 2012

Was in charge of the Basketball section only for this event, 
cause shot put was cancelled due to the bad weather and the lack of time.
Even went pretty well other than that, 
met new friends,
many of them.
Got to know some people even better even though I don't really talk to them.


Was a tiring month, 
holiday homework piled up with overdue tutorials 
Celebrated birthdays for
 Corinne, Joey and Lynn,
 since their birthdays were like so close to one another.


 20th October 2012

Had a friendly against JJC, 
and to be honest,
they are the most friendly JC to play with.
I'm fucking serious, they play no violent and they bonded well with us
after the match.
This is what I define as FRIENDLY.


Helped out Joey in a Halloween party,
they said I was pretty scary with the make up.

25th November 2012

Head out for the Amazing Race with the CIP Kiddos - Outreachers! 
Had a fun day with them at Sentosa!


And finally,
December came.
Doomsday month.
Counted down to World end. 

Fyea, today is 31st December. 
Which son of a Bitch/Bastard said that the world was going to end on 21st December 2012?
That's is history. LOL.

7th December 2012

Had Hockey outing with 2012 batch!
Early training at Boon Lay was crap, 
but I scored the last deciding goal with an injured left hand.
That's how much you wanna win when it comes to hockey, but now, long since 
I've played, sorta rusty!

Anyway, outing was good, managed to teach many on how to ice skate, 
as a beginner.

13th December 2012

Celebrated Liyee's Birthday out at Town!
Was a small yet great celebration, 
left early for dinner with family afterwards.
Didn't have a chance to take a picture with the birthday girl,
but the one above is not bad too cause I'm inside.

18th-19th December 2012

Hockey Chalet cum farewell for seniors!
Had a great session with team and the girls, and special thanks to 
for leading us during the night cycling and ensuring our safety. 
First time riding such a long distance,
but loving the fun and joy.
Especially the chat and the debut of the new idol group.

T-an ZhenPeng

Awesome eh?!
Had an early Christmas session, thanks Dorothy,
my secret santa for the socks!

26th December 2012

Christmas celebration with Gangsta people. 
Headed over to  Pamela's house to party.
Had shots and made our own cocktails, then had feast and presents exchange session!
Took a picture w my secret Santa, Pearlyn.
Thanks for the bag!

27th December 2012

Spent the awesome 27th with 27'09!
Christmas party over at WINDEMERE Condo, thanks Vivek for the venue!
Thanks Yuhui, for organizing once again!
And yes too! Thanks for the cup and notebook!
Will use them well!
Really cherishing all the moments, 
playing werewolf,
 taking crazy pictures together and last but not least,
Mind-F__King games with everyone!
Celebrated Mr Chia's birthday and 
lepak-ed with the rest of the bros till midnight at some open area between the HDB flats before leaving!
Hoping for some Chalet soon!

30th December 2012

Headed out with the Fantabulous Llama Ohana Peeps!


Thanks for being such awesome people this year,
even though two of you couldn't make it as you are overseas!
Anyway, yesterday was good,
 and thanks Lynn! 
Really love the tribal design on the SIII cover you got for me, will use it well when I get my phone back!

The end. 
How will today be like? 
31st December, 
please be good, and maybe,
productive for once?

Happy Birthday to Dorothy and Weihan anyway, 
just a sudden thought of it!

1st of January, BBQ at Huiher's house! Looking forward to outings with Hockey before OGL camp starts from 2-4 Jan!
Gonna get real busy next week, 
I meant this week!
School's starting in a week's time, 
need to do some catching up with the work!
Gonna crash now, Kthxbye~

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

#121 - Merry Christmas, Happy thanksgiving!

!Merry Christmas!

Merry X'mas everyone, though it's kinda late.
Never mind, it's the thought that counts, isn't it?
Yea, it's the season of giving anyway, so


Awesome gradient effect isn't it?
Decided to try something new this time, playing around with the colours.
So yesterday was Christmas, it ended an hour ago.
Yea, another boring Christmas has passed.
Well, I'm looking forward to the upcoming post Christmas parties anyway, 4 to be exact. 
Lots of receiving and giving to be done, and it's good that it's all after boxing day! 
I'm sure no one likes to have your present boxed and swapped away!

So yea, just looking forward to more parties, 
even though I'm kind of worried about my academics since I seriously have zero discipline over myself.
Have yet to seriously start any revision package and this is driving me nuts, 
pretty much.
Sigh, at least I finished all tutorials and tried my best.

Anyway, gonna crash. 
So here's a Christmas Tree for all!
Enjoy this festive season, and 2013 awaits us all!