Saturday, August 4, 2012

#112 - Tongue tied, Time tight.

"I need a little more luck than a little bit'Cause every time I get stuck, the words won't fitAnd every time that I try to get tongue tiedI need a little good love to get me by

I need a little more help than a little bitLike the perfect one word no one should get'Cause every time that I try to get tongue tiedI need a little good love to me by this time"
Long since I've returned to this place.Time has been really tight, I've yet to give myself some time to rest, or maybe I did. Got back my CTs' results, pretty much surprising and that burning feeling in my heart all died down. Well, the unexpected happened, and I would say that the results were pretty bitter-sweet.

GP - C / D               

Mathematics - A / B

Totally unexpected and I could have actually gotten my desired grades if not for the repeated careless mistakes. I swear I was at the verge of stabbing myself to death with a pen, but I guess it ain't worth it to die over a maths paper from NJ. -.-

Chemistry - B / C


I've redeemed myself from Lecture test, yet I still have to work harder. Lecture tests are coming up and I'm really afraid of  failing again. Promos are definitely not going to be easy, so this is just a motivation booster. I'll have to work hard every single day. (:

Physics - C / D


I can't be any happier and satisfied for my Physics, given that I failed every single assignment quiz except for thermal physics and dynamics(2). It was really a redemption from all those mistakes previously. Thankful towards my awesome friend to teach me how to do physics. I really appreciate your efforts! (:

Let's work hard together for promos and get into the same band next year :D

Economics - C / D


Kind of expected this since I know I didn't really do well for Economics, but, I'm really happy because I managed to maintain my grades. What a great relief for econs. Yet, more and more tough chapters coming up. I'll have to brace myself through all the though times.

Overall for Lecture Test 1: BCS / DU
Overall for Common Test: BBC / DD

An improvement from before, but I really have to work hard for promos and stop all my procrastinations. Half a year has passed, and now I'm more confident of what I want to achieve, be it academics or Hockey. I really wish to be able to outdo myself in the Promos and pass every single Paper with Flying colours. Seems easy to say, yet it takes a great deal of effort to achieve. I'm gonna put in tremendous effort in scoring and not let my parents down any further. Can't procrastinate any longer, I must live up to my parents' expectations. 

SPA's around the corner along side with many lecture tests and PW, I'm really hoping for good news for me (:

Anyway, from all those words and trainings in hockey, seems obvious that I'm gonna be a fixed left forward. Gonna train hard from day to day, and never disappoint coach. He once said he give players position because t
hey deserve it as they can play well in that position. I know that I'm given my position not because I can play well, but because I can only play forward. However things will go, I shall play my best because I want a to have a position not because I can't play well, but because I can. I'm gonna work hard after all those major exams and prove myself capable of taking up a Left Wing! (:

Oh yeah, National Day is around the corner, and I'm involved in the dance. Don't really like it since it's not choreographed by me or my OGmates, but by the Junior High kids. It's actually quite cliche and all I can say is the dance is too ballerina style and I'm gonna try to make a change along with my OGmates.  Well this aside, I'm pretty glad to hear from people that I'm a good dancer and fast learner. (:

 Like what Steve Jobs once said, " The only way to do great work is to love what you do". 
It's really heart-warming to hear positive comments, (I'm not saying that I hate criticisms, they are good as well in one way), because it just brings me a step forward in achieving my dreams. Alright, another weekend right now and I shall reflect my past life. Have I been a good boy? 

Seen this thing somewhere and I decided to evaluate on my good-boy-character.

1. Smoked before
2. Drunk alcohol before
3. Slept with someone of the opposite sex -  Chalets obviously.
4. Slept with someone of the same sex - Chalets as well. You know, 27'09 can't get any closer than this.
5. Gotten into any fights -  fights without malicious content
6. Kissed someone of the opposite sex - My Mum
7. Kissed someone of the same sex
8. Had someone in your room of the opposite sex
9. Scolded vulgarities lots of times
10. Bought porn
11. Take drugs before medicine
12. Hate going to the doctor's 
13. Lied to your parents - who doesnt once in a while?
14. Lied to a friend
15. Snuck out of the house 
16. Done something illegal - Does charging phone in class counts? If so, so be it.
17. Cut yourself
18. Hurt someone - By accident
19. Wished someone to die 
20. Seen someone die
21. Missed curfew
22. Stayed up all night. 
23. Eaten a carton of ice cream by yourself - Not being an Emo, but who can't resist B&J's?
24. Been to a therapist
25. Been to a rehab
26. Dyed your hair - Black, not because I have white hair -.-
27. Received a ticket -to the movies, concerts and more!
28. Been in a wreck 
29. Been to a club
30. Been to a bar for the sake of playing pool and drinking some stuff.
31. Been to a wild party
32. Seen the Mardi Gras
33. Had a fight 
34. Had a spring break in Florida
35. Sniffed anything 
36. Wore black nail polish
37. Wore wristbands
38. Wore black eyeliner - In the blood of an actor, UPONSTAGE FTW (:
40. Own a 50 cent CD
41. Hugged someone of the opposite sex
42. Hugged someone of the same sex - Crazy Boarding Night, read #106
43. Gone out with someone of the same sex 
44. Gone out with someone of the opposite sex 
45. Stole something 
46. Been too drunk to remember anything
47. Blacked out - From crazy hours of sitting down
48. Fainted
49. Had a crush on your neighbour
50. Had someone else snuck into your room and making so much noise till i couldn't even sleep.
51. Snuck into someone else's room 
52. Had a crush on someone of the same sex
53. Had gone and watched movies with friends 
54. Dry humped someone 
55. Been called a slut
56. Called someone a slut
57. Installed speakers in your car
58. Broke a mirror 
59. Showered at someone of the opposite sex's house
60. Brushed your teeth with someone else's brush
61. Consider Mac, Dre, e40 or Mistah Fab your favorite rapper
62. Seen an R rated movie in theaters
63. Gone out with friends to the mall
64. Skipped school and my parents encouraged it. 
65. Had an eating disorder
66. Had hurt yourself before 
67. Gone to court
68. Walked out of a restaurant without paying - Have I said this before? For the benefit of the doubt, yes but it was unintentional. My team mate called back afterwards and the restaurant said they forgotten to ask us to pay, but we have yet to return to pay the bill. :P
69. Caught something on fire 
70. Lied about your age in order to create a crunchyroll account you had to be above a certain age.
71. Owned an apartment
72. Cheated on your boyfriend/girlfriend
73. Cheated with someone 
74. Got in trouble with the police
75. Talked to a stranger 
76. Hugged a stranger
77. Kissed a stranger
78. Rode in the car with a stranger 
79. Been sexually harassed
80. Been verbally harassed
81. Met face to face with someone you met online
82. Stayed online for 12 hours 
83. Talked on the phone for more than 6 hours
84. Watched TV for 12 hours straight
85. Been to a fair 
86. Been called a bad influence
87. Cursed 
88. Prank called someone 
89. Laid in the bed with someone of the opposite sex
90. Cheated  
91. Cheated on
92. Held hands with someone of the opposite
93. Want to be dead
94. Cut yourself before
95. Hate yourself - when i made mistakes
46. Half of a bad boy :/ I guess I should make changes to stop myself from doing the remaining 49.

Shall do my homework now (: 

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