Thursday, August 9, 2012

#113 - Happy Birthday Singapore! 8)

Happy 47th Birthday Singapore!
Yet another year has passed. Singapore has been independent for 47 years, since 1965. That's ages ago. I don't really have much to say to Singapore anyway. Just wants to wish her Happy Birthday, thanks for the awesome environment, although I always complain about the weather (it's really burning!), the limited places to go, and the lifestyle... :/
Please continue to progress and may the temperatures be cool like how you are :)

5 days holiday ahead, well actually 4, since today is 9th August. Great, a long break before everything starts piling up again. Anyway, the past few days have been both good and bad. The former being that our house dance was absolutely stunning, the latter being that we got last place and my sleep cycle got screwed. Feeling super tired recently. Have to constantly wake up 45 minutes earlier to attend dance rehearsals at like 645am. (I don't live anywhere near my school FYI).

Kinda annoying since I'm always earlier than everyone else regardless of the fact that they live nearer to the school. Damn. That aside, after school, dance rehearsals again. Well, it was really tiring, I really saw no motivation going on since the school doesn't favour my house in anything and this is a fact. Totally agree. You will know about this later. Oh yes, and much gratitude to those who cared for my injured foot, when I insisted on dancing. Yeah, kinda still hurt but anyway, thanks to the anaesthesia spray from hockey shed, I managed to pull off for the dance. Sprayed like 4-5 times and it wore off quickly. I know it ain't good to keep spraying but still, no painkillers for me. (:

I thought our dance were pretty good, given the fact that we didn't really screw up any parts plus many people feedback to us that our dance was solid and powerful. Oh well, but you know, the final decisions are made by the school who only favours like other houses but Terra. Don' seem to understand why, but yeah. We did our best and received positive comments by people, then got first, from the bottom. How ironic can that be. Thanks NJC, really. 

Thoughts aside. Yesterday was awesome even though there was school. Went out with the same group of AWESOME people again! Headed to eat at Javier's, then slacked at town before creating fun in Toys'R'us. It was really impromptu but was definitely great to spend time with this people~
We went seriously crazy and we spent like nearly 2 hours in Toy'R'us, playing almost everything :D

So here are some fantastic shots from yesterday!

Ultra Cute monkeys ;D

Our last shot, was blurry but I still like. Cy and I were like "Let's get the gayest shades to make this shot funny". But I guess, image > Fun. Hahahaha! Spoilt the fun and wore the kids' Spongebob black shades. Nevertheless, it was still a nice shot. Seriously all those people up there, deprive of childhood as you can tell from our sophomoric behaviours! 

Shall end this post with an OG picture. Haven't been together for sometimes, really apologetic. Getting myself to leave them for another group of people. Really sorry!

Sorry for the blur picture again :/ Not taken by my phone! :D


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