Saturday, May 26, 2012

#106 - Culmination

Last night, the epitome of awesomeness.
Awesome people.
Awesome dance party.
Awesome night.

It'd been some time since all hell broke loose. I lost my mind yesterday in that wonderful hyped up atmosphere. Yeah, I attended NJCBS Formal Dinner last night. I really couldn't express much on  how I felt last night. Being able to dance on the stage, amounting up to around 50+ songs, with so many people watching you. This can never be better. One of my life goals is to be able to express myself in front of others on stage and give them my best. I wouldn't say I gave my best yesterday, but nevertheless, it was too memorable. To be dancing to people and them dancing back at you, how rare these opportunities are. 

I've seen so much, heard so much, felt so much. I couldn't go any higher than that yesterday. I was like at the peak of the day, being hyped up, and high up. The atmosphere was simply good, with people joining in the dance and that's when you see who are the potential people who can bring you fun when going clubbing with them. Did I mention I was flying in the air for once? Okay, I think I didn't. That was mad crazyyyyy. My mind was already flying high up and then I was carried and spun in the air for like 10 times. First time in my life I'm flying! (: 

I really miss boarding, and I kind of regret not taking a lot of pictures yesterday. I miss waking up at 645am instead, and then having breakfast. I miss rushing to tap fingers together with 12. I miss those nights after dinner, when we played saboteur etc. I miss the formal dinner.

I miss so many things. These are what I've brought away from boarding and I wish that in return, NJCSB has received my love! Haha.

Can't think of anything else to say. 

Let the pictures talk.

Hockey Family' 2012/13

Hockey Guys team, plus GRACE & SYAFIQAH!

Oops, and JOAN. C. 

Classmates' 12. 
I know I should have gotten that bow tie to match my attire. Nevermind, next year's Prom gonna be good. 

Hockey Dudes (:!

With my bro, Chunyi! (: The best friend you can ever find!

Yeah, sorry for the outdated picture!
NJC ETUDE, Band concert. (:

(": Cheers & Happy Holidays~

Thursday, May 24, 2012

#105 - Board. Boarding. Boarded.

We are young
So let set the world on fire,
we can burn brighter,
than the sun~

Looking back, three weeks ago. 
I made my way along the long stretch of road that extends to the entrance of boarding. 

Yes, I'm boarding right now, and tomorrow is my last day of boarding. Feelings? I guess it's pretty mixed, considering the various boons and banes of boarding. Reduced travelling time, something I've always wanted, but I guess the saying that good things and bad things always go in pair still stands. With daily programmes, I hardly see any difference in managing time. Sieving out extra time seems like find needle in a haystack. I constantly see myself being unable to resist the temptations of the bed. Yeah, it has been calling for me ever since the first day I boarded. I'm always in a dilemma, to complete my homework while being fully exhausted by daily programmes, or to sleep. 
Whatever it is, I still passed my days well, I guess.

Boarding, a brand new dawn, and the homework also started piling in since it's the end of the semester. I guess I really need to start working hard after receiving setbacks that come in subsequently. Each blow is a new wake up call. Carelessness, and nervousness, my present obstacles. I thought carelessness was well controlled, after all it really was. Yeah, and if you didn't catch that, my carelessness IS back. 

I need to start spending more time on my academics given that seasons are over even though I know that more trainings await me in the june holidays. Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, days that I'd be sacrificing for hockey. Stamina has been going low in the recent days, that kind of saddens me. I want to get back my peak stamina. Being a well balanced athlete student may not seem easy, but I guess I'll have to spend my time in june wisely and work out something which can help me manage my time more efficiently.

Everything takes time and time is limited, it flies. Yeah, tomorrow is the last day of boarding, as I've said. I'm really looking forward to it. Everything at your own comfort zone, I really miss sleeping at home. It actually gets really inconvenient if you have a room mate because you have to respect one another. For that, I've made myself more disciplined and respected my room mate. Everyone has different lifestyles after all. 

I hope tomorrow's dinner going to be good. Formal dining, I got myself the clothes that I want even though they are mismatching for the dinner. I should have gotten that wine red chinos. Well, I'll settle for a beige-mustard one after all, since it's what I've been yearning for since last year. 

With boarding and leadership symposium for the last few weeks, I've spent less in school. However, my savings still amount to zero. I can't seem to be able to manage my expenses well. I'm always overspending on my meals, eating too much, with days that ended with 7 meals. I really need to control what i eat and how much I save. If my friends can save $100 per month, so can I. Of course, I will not starve myself. :/

It's really humid here in boarding that I'm visiting the bathhouse 3 times per day. Guess I won't have to experience that any more. (:  

Shall spend the holidays ahead well.
Project Work.

Let's do this! (:

Saturday, May 5, 2012

#104 - What doesn't kill you make you stronger

At the end of every tunnel, there's always light. 

Walking through this tunnel, the darkness that surrounds you, creates an anticipation of sudden fear.
Darkness, the obstacle, but once you've overcome your obstacle, seventh heaven.

Obstacles, I've been faced with them frequently. Yet, I tell myself, what doesn't kill me makes me stronger. 
Overcoming obstacles, one of the greatest challenge in my life. The past week has been slightly good, just that every rise comes with a little setback. Each time I become more disciplined, I face a little dissatisfaction.

I've not been performing well enough for my academics, and time is the main issue. I need to get myself to keep calm and carry on. Well, after all these trivial setbacks, I guess it's really time to move on and be a better me. I'll have to spend more time with myself, my academics and CCA, rather than with trivial issues. Constantly reminding myself, there comes a point in life when I get tired of chasing everyone and fixing everything, but it's not giving up. It'd realising that I don't need certain people and the drama they bring.

Well leaving that aside, the past three days have been horrible, with extreme aches arising from my fever. At one point of time on Friday, I couldn't even walk properly because of the muscle aches between my hips and thighs. What I thought was already too terrible didn't just stop there. I think I did pretty badly for my interview later in the afternoon. Was it due to my fever, my injuries? No, what I thought was that I'm giving myself too much excuses. Yesterday how I performed was just as how I would have performed without fever and aches. I was really shocked at some point of time during the interviews, being thrown with some questions that were rather disheartening to hear. Well, it's all over now. I can only tell myself that even though I might not be the best candidate available, well at the very least, I've done my best. I do not really wish for anything at this point of time, because expectations lead to disappointments, and by not expecting, you'll feel less disappointed. Even if I'm not nominated to be in the executive committee, but I'll be proud of myself to have picked up courage to participate in the interview. Whatever the result is, after all, what has been told by my seniors, I'll reflect and pick up those learning points. Like what he said: "After this feedback session, I want to see changes."

Something like that, I thought, I will do them proud, because I want a team that loves one another, a team that has no divisions, and a team that has good communication.

Thoughts aside for now. I'm boarding soon in a few days time. No more waking up at 545am in the morning, something I'd look forward to, despite the facilities. Boarding, a total new experience for me. I shall keep myself positive and look ahead with optimism. Best of luck to myself and those boarding (:!