Monday, September 26, 2011

#64 - Really Amazing

Hey, I'm back for a short post. Yes! The Amazing Race Season 19 is here! Finally, yet all the interesting shows are coming at the wrong time. Survivor, The Amazing Race, all arrived at this timing! Why??? I'm mugging for my 'O's, so irritated cause after my 'O's, these videos are sure to be removed by Youtube. Annoying much!

So yeah, just here to share with you my joy. Since I've joined Churp Churp, money has been filling up my pockets. It's actually a website where you simply tweet or share the latest trends with friends on Facebook. Guess what? You get to cash out every time you earn a 100 bucks. That's pretty easy and fast if you have the will to do it! So what are you waiting for? Interested to join it to top up your allowance and enjoy rewards? 

So let me tell you, I've only tweeted and shared on Facebook for like 38 campaigns and I've like >$10 dollars earned. If you're interested, click on the link and sign up! (:

So that's all! Cheers!

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