Saturday, September 17, 2011

#63 - Movies, Movies & Movies

Hey, I'm here again. Feeling less lethargic after sleeping till 12. Simply, GREAT, but this means that I'll have less time to spend doing things I like before I officially start on mugging on Tuesday again. That's life! Throw that to the back of my mind, if not it's gonna affect my mood today.

I'm like so looking forward to tomorrow cause I'm going out to catch a movie. FYI, I haven't really watch any moviesor relax myself after watching Harry Potter part II. Well, I'm watching Jonny English tomorrow. Something which the trailer triggered my interest. Cause the main actor is none other than the famous, MR BEAN! Haha, okay I know that's lame, but the trailer really entices, and it'll be great for me to enjoy my day then prepare to start mugging the next day. Although now it like the time when we're supposed to be getting results back while relaxing, but relaxing should not become the first priority cause next up in the National exams. Sigh, so really gotta enjoy myself tomorrow.

There's another movie I wanna catch, called the ' Fright Night'. It's a movie on vampires, though I'm not a great fan of Vampire movies because of Twilight Saga (Sorry to those fans out there), but this movie looks to be enticing. I'll see if I have the time to watch it. Haha.

Yeah, it's this movie. Sorry for the blurry picture as I can't really find one clear one. So what you're waiting for? Get ready to turn friends into vampires. For more info on this movie, and if you want to win movie tickets to watch it, you can check this link out!

Yeah, that's all. Cheers (:

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