Saturday, April 23, 2011

#61 - Juniors & Seniors

 Yes, went to Science Center for outing with CCA mates before heading for our lunch. Okay, I know it's a bit of pathetic to go to science center, but, it have been like 4 years since I went there? Need to update myself with the latest technology. Yeah right.

 It was scary at the entrance cause a shark launched at us, not. Yes, it was the shark exhibition on that day, wanted to go for it but we didn't had the time, since we were going for Sakura which has a specific time slot for lunch buffet. -.-!

 Didn't took much photos cause it was damn crowded, to the point where you see lots of kids so engrossed to the 'latest technology', gluing their eyes on pieces of metal? I guess they used some special brand of glue, you name it! And sometimes, you'll get rejected by the president, I mean in the picture!

 Then there was this puffer-fish liked aquatic animal darting around in the aquarium. This photo is taken by me, as you can judge from the high professional skills of the photography. Okay, that's not the main point, but, look at the eyes of the fish, so mesmerizing.

 Then we saw this shadow display in a dark room.Nothing much eh.

 Headed for lunch at Sakura. We were the earliest customer, but we're not typical Singaporeans. We were there early cause we thought it would open earlier and that we skipped breakfast. So that explained our punctuality -.-!
 Part of the buffet. There's way more than this, but we were too hungry to snap every single type of the food.
(F.Y.I. this is the raw food section, yummy max!)

 Then we had Baked oysters with cheese, and the yellow ball-liked food on the right is actually fried durian. Devoured them within seconds without giving a thought. Guess that's the effect of starvation.

 Grilled salmon. No we didn't have one, but at least ten. Would say it tasted so nice that we ordered so many times, without knowing that the previous order was not delivered to us yet. Thus, ending up with many plates of it. Yet, we finished it off.

 There's always space for dessert. Lime sherbet. Yay! 

 The cake section. Mmmmm.

 The bimbo-tic gourmet, Jasmine, got herself more food since she didn't feel any fullness settling down. On the other side, the rest were madly bloated, of which some went to the toilet to relieve themselves. (Oops, this might be too implicit.) Simply, SHIT!

 Then we scooped most flavors of ice creams into small bowls, and had some fun. The loser must finish a whole mouthful of it, despite being bloated!

 This was only half of what we had eaten!

Then we took a bus to bedok cause we had nothing to do. Then we trained back to clementi to have our KOI!
Full order! Waited for some time, and I finally got my Vanilla Milk Tea!

Yeah, we saw many unusual things on that day.
1. A young girl grabbing her mother's boobs and shaping it.
2. A transvestite wearing a wig, with a spaghetti stripe and a pair of ultra short shorts.
3. Lastly, a lesbian couple.

No offense, but what's up with Singaporeans these days? Too stressed out?

And, we've learnt something new! Making a buffet worth it's price tips:
1. Avoid having a heavy meal before the buffet.
2. Try not to consume any fluids during the buffet, until you've eaten till you are bloated. (Take non-gassy drinks if you're thirsty.)
3. Always have desserts last, as there's always space for dessert.
4. Bring dried orange peels/ skin as it'll make you release gas from either the top or the bottom.
5. Get someone who eat a lot, so that you won't waste any money, since he or she is helping you to make the amount of food consumed worthy of the price paid.
6. If you can't finish any food and there's a penalty to it, try to chuck some of them down your friend's throat or drop it on the table, or last resort, stuff it under stacks of plates.

Alright, that's all. Cheers!

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