Friday, April 15, 2011

#60 - A Tough & Committed Fight

Singapore Youth Festival `2011
Syf 2011 is finally over. A huge boulder is finally lifted off the shoulders.
Well, I kind of miss those trainings though, all the laughter, joy and tears. After all, it was a job well done. Our efforts didn't go down to waste, but paid off, not owing to everyone who've worked their part. 
The crew, who traveled all around Singapore to get the materials, including the long-lasting journeys that took hours of walking, to remote places as well as you know, some undesirable places. Yeah, the hand made costumes, props that we were told to make last minute, were all ready by yesterday. The sewing of uniforms, the making of the key, bands, everything. It was simply great that even though everything didn't went with our way, we still got things done. Not forgetting the lights and sound crew members, who hardly made any mistakes during the day itself. It was really professional.
The cast on the other hand, sacrificed lessons just to make it for the trainings. The sacrifice made through not studying for tests and instead practice for SYF, is appreciated wholeheartedly. We went from a clueless cast that just had a change in our coach, to a team ready to take on any play given to them. The improvements made were not overnight. It was through a tiring 2 months, even with obstacles when the main character sprained her ankle or when conflicts happened within the production. Everything was resolved maturely and I'm glad to say that.

Just glad with our achievement, as we have started on our path to success, eventually attaining a Gold with honor. I'm really proud of all of you. 

Here's the message to those who didn't saw it:
"We've began our journey to take on all the challenges,
and eventually overcome the obstacles to achieve a gold with honor.
We've started our very first step, by achieving a BRONZE!
With this current status, I believe that people will look up to Uponstage.
We may be small, but we've got the brains.
We look vulnerable, but we have the resilience to strive hard.
I believe that by keeping our pace going till the end, we'll make ourselves really proud.
Now, with a Bronze achieved, let's be moralized and work harder for the next Syf, for silver!
From today, 14.04.11, Uponstage shall erase all the history, there'll be no more Cop branded Uponstage, but a capable and charging Uponstage.
We've fought for what we wanted. Even though some of us expected too much, but our accomplishment nevertheless, satisfied us.
With the might and ours minds over our body, I believe that no one can bring us down.
It ain't how hard we get hit, but how hard we can get hit. So let's move on and I'm really satisfied and can step down with peace.
Tears clogged up many pairs of eyes today, as we made it to an award.
I wish that years later, you all will feel this way too.
With your tears filled to the brim, I'd say they are the tears of joy. Even though the Sec 4s & 5s are stepping down, I believe that many of you will continue to uphold the name of Uponstage, and lead many juniors to greater heights. Who knows we might become the ultimate CCA that everyone wants to join desperately?!
After all, the hard work paid off. Not owing to those who tried to gain good karma, and those who went all around Singapore like a fool to look for the props and materials. We've worked and fought hard, bonding was observed and even though conflicts created boundaries between some of you, that is all in the past. I'm glad that at this age, you guys are able to think maturely. I believe that some of you are tearing because of this messages, cause if you're not, you're gonna get some onions in your eyes. Best of luck to juniors and all the best to your future endeavors! Cheers!"

Yeah, and there's pictures below! 
 Early meet up for Breakfast @ 5.30am.

 Senior, azfar came back to help with makeup! Thanks!

 The make-up process...
 Crew working their way down the stairs with the heavy and bulky wooden stairs.

 Touch-up on the bus.

 Making up in the holding area. FYI, that's our coach, Jinsen.

 Final instructions by coach!

 Group photo before it starts.

 The starting, with measurements made!

After SYF, yay!


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