Monday, September 26, 2011

#64 - Really Amazing

Hey, I'm back for a short post. Yes! The Amazing Race Season 19 is here! Finally, yet all the interesting shows are coming at the wrong time. Survivor, The Amazing Race, all arrived at this timing! Why??? I'm mugging for my 'O's, so irritated cause after my 'O's, these videos are sure to be removed by Youtube. Annoying much!

So yeah, just here to share with you my joy. Since I've joined Churp Churp, money has been filling up my pockets. It's actually a website where you simply tweet or share the latest trends with friends on Facebook. Guess what? You get to cash out every time you earn a 100 bucks. That's pretty easy and fast if you have the will to do it! So what are you waiting for? Interested to join it to top up your allowance and enjoy rewards? 

So let me tell you, I've only tweeted and shared on Facebook for like 38 campaigns and I've like >$10 dollars earned. If you're interested, click on the link and sign up! (:

So that's all! Cheers!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

#63 - Movies, Movies & Movies

Hey, I'm here again. Feeling less lethargic after sleeping till 12. Simply, GREAT, but this means that I'll have less time to spend doing things I like before I officially start on mugging on Tuesday again. That's life! Throw that to the back of my mind, if not it's gonna affect my mood today.

I'm like so looking forward to tomorrow cause I'm going out to catch a movie. FYI, I haven't really watch any moviesor relax myself after watching Harry Potter part II. Well, I'm watching Jonny English tomorrow. Something which the trailer triggered my interest. Cause the main actor is none other than the famous, MR BEAN! Haha, okay I know that's lame, but the trailer really entices, and it'll be great for me to enjoy my day then prepare to start mugging the next day. Although now it like the time when we're supposed to be getting results back while relaxing, but relaxing should not become the first priority cause next up in the National exams. Sigh, so really gotta enjoy myself tomorrow.

There's another movie I wanna catch, called the ' Fright Night'. It's a movie on vampires, though I'm not a great fan of Vampire movies because of Twilight Saga (Sorry to those fans out there), but this movie looks to be enticing. I'll see if I have the time to watch it. Haha.

Yeah, it's this movie. Sorry for the blurry picture as I can't really find one clear one. So what you're waiting for? Get ready to turn friends into vampires. For more info on this movie, and if you want to win movie tickets to watch it, you can check this link out!

Yeah, that's all. Cheers (:

#62 - A Blog Resurrected

I'm back~!! ^.^

Heartfelt apologies to my dear readers for not updating for around 5 months. Though I know my blog may not be as entertaining as other famous blogger, yet it feels good that there are actually people still reading your blog. Thank you readers for visiting my blog to show your care and concern. Now that I'm back, I hope you guys can continue to read my blog. I know it's a bit cliché to say this, yet still thank you!
Yeah, with my comeback this time, I've many things to share on, express about. I'll be updating this blog for a few days, and I'll only comeback again right after my National Exams which is around a month away. I'll be pretty busy mugging at home just like all, so sorry once again.

This time, I shall talk about what comes to my mind. Yeah, so right after May, I had great BBQ with 27'09. Can't really remember much now, but photos will tell the story! Sorry for the super delayed photos!

The coast on that day was extremely breezy. :/

Just arrived, everyone getting ready.

Some of the food and drinks we bought. FYI, this is only like a small portion of everything. We ended up not cooking like >50 sticks of otah cause there was too much food! :P

Pinhole effect from my Sister's LX5. Alvan said it kinda looked like the photo of the movie: The Ring. [WARNING: If you don't know what's 'The Ring', you can google it. But, AT YOUR OWN RISK!] 

Last photo we took on the day. We couldn't think of what to do so we pointed to the camera. Yeah, my favourite shot of the day is this! But, the background ain't censored. Sorry for young kids. PG 13 !

Yeah, this was the BBQ after the 'O' levels MT paper. Haha! 

Next was June. It was hell boring cause the school made this magnificent plan for us to mug hard during the June Holidays and get back onto exams immediately after the holidays. So, there wasn't any Summer holidays and I was hell pissed! Despite this, it was actually a great planned.Well, my efforts kinda paid off from that loads of studying. From a 7x in A-maths to a 9x was one of the greatest achievement. Yet, it was nevertheless an exam only, not the 'O's. So no complacency should come in place and I must continue to work hard and reach my goals, to enter a JuniorCollege and get <10 points for O levels.

Throw that under the bus. Let's talk about July and August. It was totally, AWEEEEEESOMMME~~~~~ (not).
Yes, I hated it so much. It was a tiring period, where I was totally discombobulated by all the integration and geometric proofs in a-maths. Kinda pissed at myself cause I sucked at geometrical proofs. I ain't someone with that pair of beaming eyes that can spot every single detail to solve a geometrical proof question. 

Then came the Prelims along with the Teachers' Day Celebrations. Well, this year we had a special one. the principal gave us the authority to hold parties. we put in effort but to no avail. I'm sorry but I felt that the atmosphere was not there. Well, the smile on the teachers' faces although reflect their thoughts, yet I didn't really feel that they were happy. 

And yeah, now it's September. I just completed my Prelims. What can I say? I gave my best. I'm satisfied with my answers yet I hate my attitude. I'm getting more restless and lethargic when it comes to studying and I Eff-ing hate it. Okay sorry, can't bring myself to type the eff word here. I feel that my mind is complacent yet the body ain't. What people say, mind over body. yeah, it's exactly what I wanna say here. I can't bring myself to study cause I'm always thinking of fun. After enjoying, I feel damn remorseful. But what for? I've no abilities to turn back time. What can I do? Suck it up.

'O's is just one and a half months away and yesterday marked the last day of prelims. We're gonna have a good rest over the weekends till monday. Cause we don't have any paper, but after resting, it's back to books. The timetable for the national exams is so demanding because all the (60% memorizing, 30% understanding and 10% application of knowledge) subjects are clumped together one after another. I ran out of plans to study for it. I've to resort to, studying everyday and recap what ever I've studied. Only through this, I can do it. I must bear in mind that I've to score well and suck it up to any tough times. Just like what Rock Balba once said " It's not how hard you are hit, but how hard you're hit and keep moving forward." Yes, just what I need. I'm not gonna be intimidated by the timetable, I'm gonna overcome this trivial matters and step in up.


My K-POP fever suddenly came back, but it's good that I can resist it and not succumb to any temptations. Picked up hangul and I shall ace it after the national exams. Well, this time to craze went over to Cube Ent. Over 4minute, Beast and . Well, they are really talents, and I aspire to be a good singer and dancer. But I know it ain't gonna be easy. Gonna just treat it like a leisure activity. Well, those who are against K-pop might not agree wih me, but whhat I wanna say is that they do help to motivate. Just like Kara's new song - Step. The chorus goes Step it up, Step it up! So motivating can?? Haha!

Alright, gonna stop here! See you soon, readers and continue to read! Bye-yeom! ~~ ^.^