Friday, March 11, 2011

#56 - Natural Disaster

It struck again.
After the 1995 Earthquake in Kobe at 5:46 a.m.

The epicenter was not far away.

An Earthquake that gave rise to a tsunami was experienced by the Japanese yesterday. It was recorded on the Richter scale: 8.9 magnitude. Horrifying.

This left me dumbfounded because I was worried for my friends and tour guide in Japan. 
Was praying hard that they are all fine. 
Hours later, news arrived. I'm glad that my prayers have been answered.
They are safe. Even though they are safe, I'm sill going to pray hard for those who lost their family members in Japan. Condolences to them.

This signs show how badly Mother Earth is suffering. The devastation and misery, will continue. A little effort from everyone may help to slow down these processes, because who knows when is the next vagary? Alright, no cheers. Silence as a respect to those Japanese that left the Earth.

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