Monday, March 21, 2011

#57 - A Day at The Beach

It has been 10 tiring and horrible days since I've blogged. Okay, except for 1 day.

So the smart side of me got too smart and did something marvelous.

Okay, pun intended.

I finished my homework before the holidays started.
A smart idea out of stupidity I guess. I mean, that meant that I've nothing to do for the full holiday, except for counting the number of woolly balls to sleep and stare blankly at the clock, hoping that the minute hand spin faster. Okay, to stop beating about the bush, I'm just BORED!

I was super-duper-ultra-mega-uber-very bored till Thursday and Friday, when I finally get to communicate with my Cca mates. It was like Yay~ (Okay, for 5 seconds.)

Then, the dilemma came to a halt in my mind. Damn it, why mine? There's a class outing by 47 at Sentosa on Saturday. Then, a piece of news made its way into my ears. 27 organized a class outing. It was like, same place and date. Undeniably, I'm like wanting to go for this but can't put down that. Argh. So I made a decision. Wanna know?

(Scroll down to read.)

Once upon a time, there lived a family of 12? I think so.Too many to count!
They went to the fantastic beach to enjoy their time, in a sunny weather, even though it rained heavily twice. (Idiot, spoil my story!)

 The kids enjoyed their wonderful bus ride which took 70 minutes. (Hey, damn, the MRT is 22 minutes faster!)

 They went to purchase their tickets upon finishing their grabbing of snacks from the Vivomart shelves. Some were to egg-cited till they grab others' armpits. (Oops, I mean someone.)

 They had fun at the beach, but looked like the little kids in the background.

 Some had their first swimming lessons while they drank the salty seawater to quench their thirst. (Oops, I meant they accidentally gulped some down.)

 They felt short in the sea so they decided to take a photo near the shore to look taller. Look at their faces, happy mad.

 They teamed up for a game of captain's ball. And indeed, since the birth of the powerful kid in the house, the team that he played in always win. FYI, the powerkid was me. DUH! Okay, well the rest in the team was great too!  One getting punched in the face. AWESOME!!

 After the fun, they were lost in a wonderland. The smart people took a shot of The ATM hall to show people what an ATM machine is. FYI, it's not that wonderwoman in front, but the black machine behind. Yay, black, Rebecca Black, Friday..friday.. (Shh, off track.)

 She saved the minute mother Earth and felt heroic.. Taa-daa!

 But, he stole the limelight afterwards. WHEEEEE!

 They had a lesson on rubbish, and fantasized about the dustbin.

 One of them found his long lost best friend and decided to offer some tasty bread, not handmade, but bought from the supermarket!

 They got lost and were looking for mummy. Glad that they found a map and went to someone's home safely.

They went out of Sentosa after only an hour of walking in circles. Wellwell, they had a wonderful dinner and went home after celebrations, with mad female kids having same hairstyles, like quadruplets.

The End!

Friday, March 11, 2011

#56 - Natural Disaster

It struck again.
After the 1995 Earthquake in Kobe at 5:46 a.m.

The epicenter was not far away.

An Earthquake that gave rise to a tsunami was experienced by the Japanese yesterday. It was recorded on the Richter scale: 8.9 magnitude. Horrifying.

This left me dumbfounded because I was worried for my friends and tour guide in Japan. 
Was praying hard that they are all fine. 
Hours later, news arrived. I'm glad that my prayers have been answered.
They are safe. Even though they are safe, I'm sill going to pray hard for those who lost their family members in Japan. Condolences to them.

This signs show how badly Mother Earth is suffering. The devastation and misery, will continue. A little effort from everyone may help to slow down these processes, because who knows when is the next vagary? Alright, no cheers. Silence as a respect to those Japanese that left the Earth.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

#55 - A Travel around My World

I'm finally back to update again. I wanted to blog earlier, but too bad. 
There ain't 29th February this year.

Yeah, just here to put up a note to those who just had their birthdays celebrated. 

Happy belated Birthday to Weikang  & Shiheng. 
Both my best mates from Chinese class since Sec 1. Been through all sorts of situations, worked hard and achieved together. Just here to say thanks for that and why am I not born on 3rd March? Haha! Then it'll be consecutive birthdays!

Oh well, guess I'm lucky since this means I'm younger. 

Well, I'm currently learning about the history of this wonderful place - Venice. A nice city that I've always wanted to visit, yet I don't have a chance yet. Any kind souls out there willing to sponsor me?

Even though I really like Venice, but I'm ironically sick and tired of it's history. It's complicated sand there's so much to know. 

Then there's this Bridge of Sigh. For the prisoners to take a look from the two windows. Kimd of sad for them huh.

Alright, ending here. Cheers.