Thursday, April 17, 2014

#127 - Graduated!


As cliche as it may sound,
I've finally braved through the course of Basic Military Training (BMT) and has officially graduated!

Proud to be from Pegasus 01/14!

*Clap Clap*

Anyway, it's block leave right now!
 I'm quite bored since the weather has been like some stuck up bitch, forever PMS-ing.
 Pardon me for the use of such words, but the weather has been pretty much anal. A moment of burning hell and later, a surge of chills sent down your spine. Nevertheless, thank god that I don't have to tolerate such weather during BMT!

Since this is my second post of the year, let me see if I've fulfilled the resolutions made!

1. Be happy like the start of 2014.
Still finding that perennial source of happiness.
Yet, I've found something to keep me away from feeling miserable. 

2. Meet up with and Acquaintances at least once a week/month. More than happy. 
Yup, doing it as how we always do! And Acquaintances FTW

Really can't express the amount of gratitude for these people, taking out much of their treasured and important weekends to spend time with me! Thanks for all the meetups, dinners, movies and bowling! Love you guys till eternity. I know it sounds damn gay, but these people are worth turning gay for, for like 5 seconds. LOL

3. Be more mature.
Still growing up, in the process!

4. Save up the entire year.
Trying very hard to, but yeah, saving up!
Stopping myself from withdrawing nowadays.

5. Grades for As to be good so that I can enter either Pharmacy, Business or Aerospace Engineering.
Got into Nanyang Business School! But, trying to appeal for Aerospace Engineering since they didn't allow me to apply for the second time :)

6. Get into AIRFORCE/NAVY 
Vocation results will be out tmr! Bless me. Really do wish to do something related to Airforce!

7. Make great buddies in Army.
What more can you ask, having section 2!

8. Achieve in Army.
Every little thing is an achievement! So of course!

9. IPPT Gold.
Virgin single minute timing! 
New record of 09:34!

10. 2.4km under 10min.

11. 2.4km under 9min 30sec.
Damn close, just 4seconds away!

12. 2.4km under 9min.
Shall leave this for the next vocation!

13. Be healthy and safe.
Still as injury prone, though.

14. Go to EU/US/Brazil/NZ/Korea via SIA
Waiting for ORD and money! :)

15. Take SIA Business Class/ First Class/ Suites

16. Hit 60kg and get buffer in Army.
Gained till 56, but went down to 55!

17. Improve on singing and dancing.

18. Learn Bboy.

19. Play Bball well.

5/19 achieved, and about 3/4 of the year to go! 
Hopefully I'll be able to fulfill till 10, by the end of the year!
Till then!

Aside from resolutions, feeling so drained from boredom over this block leave. 
So thankful, for those people who are hanging out/ have hanged out/ will be hanging out with me.

  Was great because TEAM AC met up to have bro talk!
Impromptu as usual, but that's what make us available and happy!

 Just another rest day.

 Awesome cause of Sentosa and Hardrock with Section 2, followed by dinner and shopping with my favourite AND ACQUAINTANCES (Y)

An exact copy of sunday, and it the fun seems to be alternating!

 Spent my day clearing L4D2 Campaigns and Learning D2. 

WOW, did I just mentioned learning how to D2?
 Funny how I used to dislike Dota cause I find it pointless and boring. Now, here I am learning all the basics. Suck pretty bad, but I'll give it a try.

Woke up damn early, to meet up with my 6-7 years worth of friendship friends, for breakfast and then Wii at Shireen's house!
 Had so much fun riding cars and laughing through the intense dancing game!
 Thanks for the morning :)

Boredom times a million! Going over to Pam's house for dinner later, hopefully it's fun? Haha

(Looking Forward)

VOCATION NOTIFICATION DAY! I swear I'm feeling the same as how I felt before receiving As results, 

Hope it's good news! 

KTV/ Bowling with OG22 for morning as well, gonna be full of nonsense!

Gonna head out with part of my favs for dinner! 

 Oh yeah, hopefully a meet up with Acquaintances/AC kiddos! 

Saturday! & Sunday!

No plans currently! Anyone wants to date me out before this poor lonely soul goes back to Army for good?


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

#126 - Time flies, but you're the pilot.

Exactly a week till my plane arrives in its destination.
Time flies, but I'm the pilot.
In a week's time, I'll be in the army.
 Things past by really quick and I really do wish to enjoy myself before and of course, during army.

So much memories from December last year and January, 
right now in 2014.
And all I can say, is I really miss the company from my favourite and Acquaintances.
Craziest bunch ever, yet the ones who never fail to make me happy.

Gonna keep it real short. Resolutions time. Since I'm turning 19 this year, let's make it 19.

1. Be happy like the start of 2014.
2. Meet up with and Acquaintances at least once a week/month. More than happy.
3. Be more mature.
4. Save up the entire year.
5. Grades for As to be good so that I can enter either Pharmacy, Business or Aerospace Engineering.
6. Get into AIRFORCE/NAVY 
7. Make great buddies in Army.
8. Achieve in Army.
9. IPPT Gold.
10. 2.4km under 10min.
11. 2.4km under 9min 30sec.
12. 2.4km under 9min.
13. Be healthy and safe.
14. Go to EU/US/Brazil/NZ/Korea via SIA
15. Take SIA Business Class/ First Class/ Suites
16. Hit 60kg and get buffer in Army.
17. Improve on singing and dancing.
18. Learn Bboy.
19. Play Bball well.

That's all. I hope they will all come true.
