Wednesday, September 5, 2012

#114 - People change, don't they?

Took a month's trip away from blogging. 
I'm back with more stories to tell, yeah stories of my life.
To be honest, I would really love to continue blogging even when I'm getting older. I'd love to share my blog with my grandchildren in the future. Seeing the milestone that I've journeyed, sharing it with the people around them, isn't it amazing? I guess it pretty much is, but it's kinda sad. Because it is right here, where I can tell that people are changing. Too much.

Change, changing, changed. 
Just like choosing what to wear when you go out on a date with your best friend or whatsoever. The character of people around me just keeps on changing like a daily routine. I can't say I'm sick of it because I don't want to feel unhappy throughout life, but I can't agree on the fact that I treat it like a norm pretty much. It's inevitable to change, but seeing it too much is just intolerable. Six months into senior high college, and I've witnessed how fast people change. This is so unlike the past where it takes maybe four years or more to do so. People are changing too fast, but why?


I don't know, but I'm sure most people change because of either one of the options above. Selflessness, seen enough of it. Head over to where I'm pursuing my future and you'll know. Insecurity? Yes I've seen that pretty much, maybe less in the outside world. People no longer feel secure with even the people around them who they see everyday. They choose to be possessive of certain people and I'm afraid to say, I'm a victim of 'certain people'. Not trying to praise myself in anyway, but when people get possessive, they feel pretty much jealous sometimes. Most of the times. I wouldn't say who or what, but I think sometimes sophomoric behaviours like saying certain things right in front of others faces, hoping to get their attention is way too intolerable. Who would fancy being friends with people like you, who obviously loves making the air sour. 


 I've come to the point whereby you've cross over certain lines. I'm sorry but you're probably sitting on the fence right now, either you fall back into my friendzone, or you sit on the spikes on the other side. Choose where you want to sit in because I'm sure you don't want things to be awkward, well at least for the upcoming year.

Moving on. Out of all the sentimental stuff.

Last month was pretty busy, but I guess after July, I'm finally clear with who are the people I really want, to be around me. They are the people who will always be there with you, no matter how slow you are, they are willing to slow down to help you. They are the kind who doesn't want to go home everyday to mug, but instead spend quality time with you sitting probably in a cafe enjoying good food while sharing inspirations and stories under the sun, or taking long bus rides home together. I love doing all these just like how I spent my days after school with my awesome friends. Now that none of us have similar schedule, these people are the ones who will be there in place of them. Not temporarily, but both groups of people will be permanently those that will sit in to my top priority list.

Time flies pretty fast and just days ahead, promotional examinations are arriving. I've yet to kick start and follow my plan that I've drawn up back then. Feeling really guilty, yet not doing anything about it. I'm really hoping for some motivation. Maybe I should use the method that one of my closer friends taught me. My new motivation. (:

Have been really busy anyway, like getting involve in major events like GALAXIA, the sports meet for trainees. Feels really good to have helped out, because I've made really awesome friends.

Let the pictures do the talking like always :)

With the ICs of Basketball (:

Galaxia Official Ushers, okay my class's girls.

Gettin' the balloons ready for the trainees!

With Junxiang & Yuetting, helping out for track events!
Actually, camwhoring!

Slacking session between class 12 &14!

Got really bored so we decided to play around!
Watch the Giant me!

Was trying out the forever alone hug seen in pics! Looks damn cool~ Joey Lee's expression is priceless! HAHAHAHA!


My favourite photos of the day. 
*Throw hearts ~<3 p="p">

Hey, Sexxxayyyyeee Lady! Okay, was trying out sexy poses with Louis and it turned out like this. But, but, but my friends say I'll look sexier with more muscles. #CHALLENGEACCEPTED

Plush Toys for trainees! I have one too! Thanks to the leftover!

Group pictures
GALAXIA <3 p="p">

Got to know Edward, and it happened to be his birthday that day! Dinner with the Sports Comm people, although I felt damn awkward cause I'm not the main involved, nevertheless, it was fun. Happy belated birthday Edward!

Shall crash now! :D Cheers!