Friday, April 27, 2012

#103 - A Brand New Dawn

A brand new dawn, the start of a new life.
Seasons have come to an end, no matter what, I will cherish it with all my heart.
The invaluable experiences gained from these matches, even though the bench was warmed continuously, I would say, the experience is priceless. Today marks the end of the seasons and there's actually a tinge of reminiscence in me. I wish we could go back in time, when the seasons were just approaching. Now, regardless of win or lose, I'm really proud of my seniors. To have come so far, with only a year's experience, this history is to never be erased. Such indelible experience, a piece of my memory. Forever, I'll remember and pick up learning lessons from it, and ace my hockey skills. I'm really proud of my seniors, for that they have given their best. All the best to your future endeavours,  we juniors hereby promise to do you proud ~! (:


A rather familiar date, it again marks the brand new dawn for me as well. 
I've officially turned 17! 
Sounds kinda old to be 17, wished that I could stay younger for a little more, just a little more. Well in life, you can never spend your childhood twice. Yet, I cherish this growing up process, as I get to observe how this special day is being spent with different people, at different places with different feelings.
I remembered, my 12th Birthday was rather one that should not even be shared about, it was horrible. I got scolded and caned for not being able to do my homework correctly, and I teared the whole day. Well, looking on the bright side, this is only 1/16 of my previous birthdays.

As I grow up, things changed, so do the people around me, and the amount of love I receive. To have received so many wishing and blessings from my old friends, what more could I ask for. I miss those days when all of us could celebrate this special day together, when my family members ain't there for me. Eating a cake alone seems horrible, with no one to sing you a song to liven up the atmosphere.

A simple dinner is what I ask for. 

Will there be one this year? I don't know. Perhaps I've to revisit my priorities, Hockey, friends & family. Who will I be celebrating my birthday with? Who will be part of my memory? 

I really don't know. All I wish for is something unique and different this year. 

Simple wishes, which I ask for.

1.To have a blessed life in NJC.
2.To be able to perform well in academics and not be placed in the risk of students at risk. A minimum of 4Cs is what I ask for.
3.To be able to ace my hockey skills, bringing myself to a whole new level, with increased intensity.
4.To be well-liked by more people and to be able to influence their lives.
5. To be in good health for long
6. To have friends who care for me
7. To have hockey team mates who care

Other wishes may seem just as important, but I don't think I should list them in my priorities. This year, how would my birthday be? I really don't know. There's training tomorrow from 2-4pm, and cultural mapping with class. May this be the time I outshine myself and enjoy myself as well.

Well, at least I hope.

That's all, gonna turn in now (:

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

#102 - Time Management

A month and half approximately since I last updated. 
That's around the period of time I've been in HOCKEY (:
Well, things haven't been going quite smoothly I guess?

There are so many events ongoing in the school at this time, and seriously it irks me, especially the lecture tests.
Yes, you're right. I'm back here again with the same thing

Things like Speech Day and etc, they just went like crazy even though I liked the "holiday" given. 
Then it was FUNTASIA(|||). Pretty much exceeded my expectations I guess? I thought it would've been a failure since nobody even wanted to purchase the coupons from us. Surprisingly, NJ proved me, or rather us wrong. Thousands of strangers flocked into the school like some mad seagulls. 

Totally, mouth left agape.
It was kind of great actually, well at least for my class, since we were doing the sales of STICKIES. Guess what. We are among thr Top 5  in the school to have earned at least $3000! 
Perfect, this means that I'm getting back my $5 from the school, who gives a damn about that 3k now!

So anyway, just a shot from FUNTASIA (:

And, if you've noticed, I changed my Spectacles. Like finally, actually no. I changed it cause my previous spectacles broke and my previous previous one look a little weird on me, that's for sure!
Well, I've gone through numerous changes as March took its lead. I've joined HOCKEY (: That's my current passion and motivation now! To be in a Sports CCA and school team for the first time, the competition and most definitely the level of excitement is there! I've also gotten my braces, so no more toothless smiles, sooner or later. 

Great changes, but great changes also comes with great falls. yes, I'm failing my tests. Oh well, at the very least, I knew I'm as if falling into an abyss, but now, I'm motivated. I know that there are many people out there who actually care for me, and via twitter, I've felt the love of humanity. Thanks people, you've made my day. Though Tuesday might have been one of those days when I felt very down, yet it is definitely the day I started picking up. I've gotta adapt to such rapid changes and brace myself to a higher level, understanding things at my own pace and then slowly giving every single component in school an ace. 

Time has been rather tight for the past two weeks, to be rushing for Project Work and studying for tests, while having Hockey on Monday, Wednesday & Friday, not forgetting AIM(S) on Thursday. I've totally no time to be dated out by people, neither do I have time to self assess, and improve myself academically, as well as athletically. I think my passion for Hockey is stronger than my academics, yet it may not be a bad thing. I actually use hockey to help me calm my mind after doing badly for tests, I think it really helps. All those hits, flicks, a great way to vent your anger and frustration.

Although I'm the newest member in Hockey and probably the least experienced one, nevertheless I gave hockey a try and now it is within my main priority list. To be the last one entering and learning and yet being selected by Coach, simply Awesome, although I always get benched during matches. I really want to give the matches a go, and show coach that I'm not that useless as well. Oh well, gonna train hard to prove it to him that I'm not a weak link in hockey. 

Hits have been improving after all, I don't see myself lacking behind that much as before. This passion that burns inside me, simply awesome. I'm so motivated to play hard and win for NJ next year. AWESOME~

Super tired now~ Shall turn in!