Monday, March 12, 2012

#101 - Terra Terra Ombaba!

"Terra Terra Terra Terra
Ombaba~" (:

I finally found some time to update again! So hello to everyone!
I know my blog's kinda dead now, but please continue to read my blog. I'm desperately using all methods to dig out time from my packed schedule, but to no avail.

Yeah, so~
Last Friday was Track Meet!
It was a great kick-off and ending for Terra. We managed to come in first place for the first event, last event, and most of the events in the middle as well!
It was indeed a historical moment for Terra, to have moved up 3 positions from 6th to 3rd this year, if I'm not wrong. We're actually quite satisfied to be in top 3! Tug-of-War was really great, with all other houses cheering for Terra instead! 
Victory went to us, and I'm so proud of fellow Terrarists
I apologise for being unable to contain my happiness, but it was really a euphoric moment when we were announced as third place. I really hope that this would mean that we would move over to have a seat at the grandstand instead of the open area.

Terra Terra Ombaba!

Pictures for Track Meet!

I don't know if it's my eyes, but the brown colour of my hair is quite obvious here :/

It's currently the March holidays, but like before, it never felt like one. March holidays ain't a march of holidays, but holidays of March. 7 days, too short it seems. Yes, definitely for me, with tutorials that piled up to my height, and busy schedules.

Let me just show you how my holidays will be spent, or rather wasted away.
- Hockey Training (9am-11am)
- Dental Appointment (11am-1am)

Things to be completed: Chemistry Tutorial, if possible Mathematics.

Things to be completed: Mathematics Topics 2,3,4. Econs (2 Essays, 2 Essay plans)

- Og Outing (12pm~)

- Hockey Camp (2D1N)
- Chemistry Lecture (9am-11am)
- Class Outing (Night, after camp)

- Dental Appointment (9.30am ~)

- Rest day after dental appointment
Finish up any homework left undone.

I know that it looks as if  I'm free for most of the days, but believe me. The amount of energy channelled to other activities can literally make you exhausted. Even if you have energy, motivation is lacking. That's how tough Jc life is, and I've definitely flunked my Chemistry and Physics test. Omg, wts.

Till here, (: